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Much like everything else, luxury real estate marketing has changed in response to our current situation. Fortunately, for those still looking to buy or sell a home, the industry is coming up with resourceful and innovative ways to continue showcasing beautiful properties without having to interact with each other. Here are a few such marketing practices that are being embraced in luxury real estate while many of us are social distancing. 

Digital Home Tours
A professionally shot HD video is more important than ever before if potential buyers are going to get a feel for your home without coming inside. As the technology continues to improve for 3D home tours, this too is becoming a popular method that allows a buyer to virtually experience a property and become fully immersed with 360-degree views in each room. 

Virtual Open Houses
Since we aren’t able to host a traditional open house for the time being, real estate agents are utilizing tools like Facebook Live and Zoom to bring groups of potential buyers inside a home. These virtual walkthroughs are the perfect way to safely “visit” a property and get answers to any questions you may have in real-time. 

3D Floor Plans 
With cutting-edge software, agents can create stunning 3D floor plans that allow buyers to get a sense of scale and dimensions throughout a home. These high quality renderings are far more engaging than traditional floor plans and can help to bring the feel of a property to life. 

Photography With a Twist
Of course, photography will always be at the forefront of real estate marketing. For homes that are unoccupied, it’s easy enough for a trusted photographer to walk through and capture images on their own. When a homeowner doesn’t feel comfortable bringing a photographer into their current living space, however, we can advise you on how to stage the décor and lighting in your home to take your own beautiful photos.