Everyone wants a backyard that feels like their own little oasis. Privacy is a major characteristic when it comes to achieving this. If your outdoor area is feeling exposed, either from the street or nearby neighbors, one of the best solutions is to create a screen using plants. Even if you already have a fence, you can give the backyard a verdant view by placing shrubs and hedges in front of it. Here are a few interesting plants for adding privacy to your property.
Non-invasive varieties of bamboo, like Seabreeze bamboo, are a popular choice for those who want to create a natural wall in their backyard. With the ability to grow quickly and in tight clusters, these evergreen perennials survive in a wide range of climates and offer a unique aesthetic that can transform any outdoor area and provide you with a peaceful view.
If you have a fence or pergola that you want to fill in with a climbing plant, clematis will offer both beauty and privacy when it blooms each spring and summer. This vine is touted for its ability to grow at a rapid pace while requiring relatively little care, and once it matures, you’ll be rewarded with a lush ambience that feels totally removed from the outside world.
Arborvitae is always an excellent choice for those who want a natural fence that delivers complete privacy. These thick evergreen trees can be placed close together, grow to soaring heights and endure cold weather, making them ideal for creating an outdoor area that’s protected from prying eyes all year long.
Ornamental Grass
There are numerous types of ornamental grasses that can put your backyard out of view while adding rustic appeal. Karl Foerster grass, for example, is a low maintenance option that will fill in each spring and can grow up to five feet tall. Even if you don’t need more privacy, it’s simply a fun way to make your outdoor space feel like a natural sanctuary.