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Realogy has dropped its lawsuit against Compass and a former employee, according to a recent court filing obtained by RISMedia.

Last year, Realogy moved to sue Compass and an individual formerly employed by Realogy—Urvin Pandya—who allegedly broke a non-compete agreement by sharing private Realogy documents. Now, Realogy says it is dropping the lawsuit in order to focus its efforts on a larger case against Compass. On June 10, a New Jersey judge accepted Realogy’s request to “dismiss the case with prejudice.” Additionally, the judge denied Compass’ motion to compel discovery in the suit.

According to court documents, the former employee at the center of the case was prevented from working at Compass until his non-compete ran out in November 2019 via an injunctive relief order granted by a New Jersey judge.

In court documents, Realogy said New York is the “better forum to continue litigation against Compass,” citing a broader lawsuit filed in July 2019.

“Plaintiff does not wish to waste additional resources seeking monetary damages from defendant Pandya, whose restrictive covenant has since expired and who no longer works for Compass,” said Realogy, according to court documents.

According to the court filings, Compass said Realogy’s motion to dismiss was an attempt “to escape its discovery obligations.

“We are pleased with the court’s decision to dismiss this case with prejudice. While there remain parties within our industry that choose to use their resources to stifle progress through litigation, Compass will continue to invest in software and services that help real estate agents grow their businesses and better serve their clients,” a Compass Spokesperson told RISMedia.

Realogy was unable to comment on the matter at this time.

This is a developing story. Stay tuned to RISMedia for updates.