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Tim Vierkandt
Owner & Associate Broker
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Showcase Properties

For Tim Vierkandt, real estate is a family affair. In 2010, Vierkandt began working in marketing at his mother’s, Susan Vierkandt, Prudential franchise. Four years later, he and his wife, Laura Vierkandt, became co-owners and business partners with his mother, completing a successful rebrand to Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices in Dothan, Ala.

Since their partnership and rebrand, Vierkandt has seen great success from his team of associates.

“A key achievement to date was reaching $2 million in GCI as a company—a goal on my dream board that represents the mutual success of our amazing team of sales professionals,” he says.

Vierkandt leads his team with a constant drive to set, achieve and exceed their goals. By offering up the latest technology, platforms and strategies, he has been able to grow not only the business, but the company’s presence on social media.

“We’ve worked hard over the last several years to set year-over-year goals for social media growth and have reached over 8,300 followers on Facebook in our local market,” he explains.

Vierkandt and his team recently launched a unique Showcase Marketing Campaign that ensures each and every company listing receives robust exposure online, such as through Homes.com and realtor.comⓇ, as well as across their social media platforms. This marketing campaign also allows his agents full access to Matterport 3D technology, helping them create high-quality, virtual experiences to share with their prospects on any digital platform.

Before joining RISMedia’s ACESocial platform over a year ago, most of the content shared across their social media accounts was strictly property marketing.

“What’s great about ACESocial is it gives you tons of content marketing and integrates your property marketing with the ability to feature properties in all of the posted articles,” he says, adding that they promote the ACESocial listing feature in their Showcase Marketing Campaign because of the value it has brought into their business.

What Vierkandt appreciates about the content available on ACESocial is the added engagement from consumers, as well as the ease and flexibility of the platform for his agents.

“Content marketing starts more conversations with our consumers,” he says. “I realized just how powerful ACESocial was when I started receiving messages from my sphere on LinkedIn engaging with posted content.”

“The ability for each agent to post automatically, daily and create custom content were the primary drivers for upgrading to the full ACESocial platform,” he says. “In one click, you can scroll through scheduled content and even quickly replace content that doesn’t stand out to you.”

As a broker who is hyper-focused on promoting his listings, Vierkandt favors the ability to post active listings within the consumer content, highlighting its consumer-friendly characteristics and the convenience of an accessible lead-capture form.

“Our next goal is to ensure all of our sales professionals have connected their social media accounts to ACESocial and make sure that they are utilizing the listing tool to showcase their active listings within their social media content.”

For more information, please visit bhhsshowcaseproperties.com and rismedia.com/acesocial.

Paige Brown is RISMedia’s content editor. Email her your real estate news ideas to pbrown@rismedia.com.