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Episode #2
Chris Stuart
CEO and President, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
‘Controlling the Controllables’: Leading Through and Beyond Crisis


What do you do when a crisis strikes? Especially when you’re running one of the largest real estate franchise networks in the world? In this week’s episode, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices CEO Chris Stuart walks us through the tough decisions he made during COVID-19, as well as the lessons learned, the silver linings and the new opportunities now at hand for the company’s 50,000-some agents. Find out why Stuart says success all boils down to four pillars, starting with mindset.

On this week’s episode you’ll learn:
2:02: Planning for the worst and controlling the controllables
7:20: The key message to agents: ‘Be in the service of others.’
8:48: Why are some agents having their best year ever while others aren’t?  The current dichotomy and the four pillars of success:
10:48: Creating protocols so 50,000 agents could work from home
16:34: The key leadership takeaways
21:28: Silver linings revealed: Why nothing will ever replace the agent/customer relationship.
25:00: The importance of branding and marketing during a crisis
31:13: Why it’s time to think beyond local
33:50: The playbook for moving forward and the alchemy of high performance

About Chris Stuart
Appointed to his positions in January 2019, Chris Stuart serves as the CEO of HSF Affiliates LLC and CEO and president of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. Previously, he was COO for HSF Affiliates LLC overseeing Franchise Sales, Marketing and Technology among other work groups and responsibilities. Stuart joined HSF Affiliates in 2015 and assumed leadership of Franchise Sales a year later. In 2017, he was named senior vice president of Business Development and Operations and by 2018, he oversaw the daily operations of most departments. Prior to his arrival at HSF Affiliates, Stuart was part of the executive leadership team at Intero Real Estate Services in Silicon Valley. At Intero, he was charged with growing and managing Intero’s franchise company and was involved in various corporate initiatives including technology strategy, leadership development and training, agent recruitment and more.

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