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Episode #6
Kendall Bonner
RE/MAX Capital Realty

‘What You Put Out There You Will Get’ — Why Inspiring and Educating Others Pays Off


Kendall E. Bonner, Esq., licensed Florida attorney and broker/owner of RE/MAX Capital Realty in Tampa, Fla., is striving to inspire agents to be the best versions of themselves and live more abundantly. As a leading real estate professional in her market and a 2020 RISMedia Real Estate Newsmaker honoree, she tackles challenges head on with tested formulas and acronyms that she has created. In this week’s episode of RISMedia’s RealEdge podcast, Bonner discusses how to find your own voice when delving into the world of video production and which platforms are the most reliable when it comes to converting an engaged audience into customers. She shares her deep and varied knowledge of technology and the various mediums she uses to educate and connect with other real estate professionals, among other interesting topics.

On this week’s episode you’ll learn:

1:10 How the Tampa, Fla. market is fairing during the COVID-19 pandemic
2:00 How to get your start in the world of being an influencer
4:55 Why it’s important to forge your own path on your real estate journey
8:20 The meaning behind her brand’s “Improve Your Hustle” initiative
9:35 How to connect and deliver valuable lessons through video
13:20 Why you need to have grit to overcome obstacles an entrepreneur
16:00 How the speed of change has increased during the pandemic and its impact
21:20 Which platforms are the best sources for real estate business
25:10 The formula Bonner uses to build out the perfect video
28:36 Bonner’s advice for how to have an edge right now in the real estate world

About Kendall Bonner

As the Broker/Owner of RE/MAX Capital Realty in the Tampa Bay, Fla. area, Bonner strives to inspire her agents. Bonner has used her skills and training as a lawyer, her strategies and systems as a successful real estate agent, and her drive and leadership as a business owner to empower others. She is a frequent speaker and has been featured in: multiple RE/MAX RU training videos; training at RE/MAX Broker Owner Conferences; the 2018 and 2019 RE/MAX R4 conventions; the 2017 Fall Retreat for the Central Atlantic Region; RE/MAX LLC’s Momentum Podcast; her local board, and other real estate firms. She was also honored to speak on the main stage during the Opening General Session 2017 R4 conference. Her most recent achievements include her team’s award for 2017 Brokerage of the Year for RE/MAX Florida Region and 2018 Manager of the Year for RE/MAX, LLC. She was also named a RISMedia 2020 Real Estate Newsmaker in the Influencer category. Bonner is also a co-owner of Motto Mortgage Resource, sole owner of Compass Consulting & Solutions, co-Author of “So…You Think You Want To Be A Real Estate Agent,” and the host of the Improve Your Hustle Podcast.

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