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Episode #8
Sue Yannaccone
President & CEO
Realogy Franchise Group


When it comes to supporting women in business leadership, it’s not about being altruistic…there’s a proven, bottom-line increase to a company’s revenue. That’s why recently appointed Realogy Franchise Group President Sue Yannaccone has made it her mission to pay it forward and help build the ranks of female leadership in the real estate industry by launching the What Moves Her organization this past January. In this episode of RISMedia’s RealEdge, Yannaccone shares the challenges of her own 20-year career journey, and explains why it’s essential for businesses to have diverse voices in the room. She also gets real about what women need to face when pursuing leadership roles. “For too long, women have tried to make it sound easy to do it all, and it’s not,” she explains. “It’s really hard. It’s worth it, but you have to know that going in.” Yannaccone also talks about the critical need for mentorship, the current challenges for agents and brokers, and her best advice for women… and men. “Just get out there and get it done.”

On this week’s episode you’ll learn:

1:15 The real value-add of a diverse leadership team
2:55 Sue’s 20-year career journey
5:44 The difference between leadership and brokerage roles
7:13 Why brokers and agents need to become more agile
8:40 How the pandemic has changed home-buying habits for the foreseeable future
10:16 The mission of What Moves Her
12:15 The pivotal point in Sue’s career and how she learned to listen to the “voices that mattered”
17:06 Learning to “reframe and refocus” to become more resilient
19:20 Why the industry needs to push for a diverse slate of candidates
22:40 Why mentorship is not a weakness and why women need someone who will push them
29:26 Where the industry is headed, and best advice for ladies…and men

About Sue Yannaccone

With nearly two decades of leadership experience in franchise management and real estate brokerage operations, Sue Yannaccone was appointed as Realogy Franchise Group president and CEO on Nov. 30, 2020. Previously, she was regional executive vice president of the Eastern Seaboard and Midwest regions of Coldwell Banker®/NRT.

She was previously in the Realogy Franchise Group, where she exhibited dynamic leadership skills while serving as president and CEO of ERA Franchise Systems after joining ERA as its chief operating officer in 2015. Prior to joining ERA Real Estate, Yannaccone served as senior vice president of network services for HSF Affiliates and was responsible for all affiliate-facing servicing for the real estate brokerage networks Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Prudential Real Estate and Real Living Real Estate. She had previously served as vice president of operations for Real Living from 2010 to 2012. Yannaccone was named an RISMedia Real Estate Newsmaker in 2019 and 2020. In 2016, she was named a Female Executive of the Year by the Stevie Awards for Women in Business and recognized as a “Woman Worth Watching” by the Profiles in Diversity Journal. A graduate of Clemson University, she began her career in commercial real estate before assuming roles with residential real estate firm GMAC HomeServices and Brookfield Residential Property Services in Canada.

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