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Episode #9
Anthony Lamacchia
Broker/Owner, CEO
Lamacchia Realty, Lamacchia Companies


Anthony Lamacchia started young. According to the Boston-based broker, he’s been talking business every day since he was five years old. Lamacchia’s dad, a self-described cowboy businessman, and his grandfather, a conservative accountant, instilled in him the know-how and drive to build a substantial business of his own—a dream he committed to by age 13. In this action-packed episode of RISMedia’s RealEdge podcast, learn how Lamacchia went from agent in 2004 to top team in 2009 to independent brokerage in 2014, as well as how Lamacchia Realty’s 330 agents achieved $1 billion in sales volume in 2020. Lamacchia candidly shares the critical components to achieving such rapid success, including how his social media presence, Crush It in Real Estate, supercharged his recruiting efforts, why training agents “no matter what” is a must, and why spending a million dollars on a customized technology platform was worth every penny.

On this week’s episode you’ll learn:

Going from solo agent to brokerage, and why growing agents through training is a must
6:07 Why Anthony hired a consultant and how it changed his business
8:28 When you should consider making a shift from team to brokerage
9:56 The dramatic effects of recruiting the right way
12:44 Why customization is the most important component of technology
15:55 What you should track and how you should measure
18:18 Why “seeing around corners” is Lamacchia Realty’s competitive advantage
22:13 Where the market is headed
25:15 Anthony’s best advice: ‘Embrace what’s going on.’
27:20 Why Anthony took his training program national
30:13 Three steps to building a ‘training machine’ inside your company
33:00 Anthony’s top five lead sources

About Anthony Lamacchia

Anthony Lamacchia is the broker/owner and CEO of the Lamacchia Companies: Lamacchia Realty, Lamacchia Property Management, Lamacchia Development, and REAL Training and Systems Inc. Lamacchia is considered an industry expert, having done hundreds of appearances and interviews with local and national media outlets, and spoken at many industry events. Lamacchia Realty launched REAL Training in 2012, a program for agents that provides ground-level training conducted by Lamacchia and members of his leadership team. Lamacchia started REAL Training and Systems Inc. in 2015, which extends training to agents around the country. Well over 100 companies to date have participated. Lamacchia is also passionate about advocating for homeownership. He has met with members of Congress, the Senate and various regulatory agencies to defend homeownership, distressed homeowners and mortgage lending. He also serves on many committees and groups, including as the Greater Boston Association of REALTORS RPAC Chairman in 2020.

Links and Resources

Crust It In Real Estate
Crush It In Real Estate on Facebook
Lamacchia Realty
IG @ajlamacchia
RISMedia’s ACESocial
Lamacchia Realty Launches Powerhouse Platform

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