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Mike Miedler, Century 21

Episode #11
Michael Miedler
President & CEO
CENTURY 21 Real Estate LLC


Michael Miedler began his history with CENTURY 21 a little over 30 years ago, immediately following his graduation. He worked his way up the ladder, starting in the mailroom and running through almost every role inside the organization before becoming president and CEO of CENTURY 21 in 2019. Miedler attributes his success to being really inquisitive: talking to brokers, agents, consumers and entrepreneurs across the brand and really learning about the real estate industry—every nook and cranny, and not just in the U.S., but also around the globe. Because of these experiences, Miedler says he has in-depth knowledge of what it’s like to prospect and qualify leads, how to work in sales, how to work in mergers and acquisitions—essentially, how to walk a mile in someone’s shoes at every level of the organization. What he really loves about this business—calling it the “purest form”—is being a salesperson and trying to make people better in their careers.

On this week’s episode you’ll learn: 

2:40 Miedler’s path to becoming CENTURY 21’s president and CEO
3:55 Helping to make people better in their business careers
5:00 Connecting with affiliates on a worldwide scale
7:15 What the revenue split is for a global company
9:00 Navigating commissions rules internationally
11:37 Getting pushed outside of comfort zones due to COVID
15:33 Being intentional about consumer relationships
18:47 Finding success even amid challenging times
21:30 Staying relevant with technology by always moving forward
25:05 Back to the basics: Picking up the phone and getting in front of more prospects
29:00 A vision for the future: Delivering extraordinary experiences to every single customer

About Michael Miedler

Michael Miedler believes the emotional connection a buyer has with their home and the memories they make while living there is what makes homeownership so special. Named CENTURY 21 Real Estate’s president and chief executive officer in January 2019, he is a leader in residential and commercial real estate franchising, brokerage and management. A 20-year-plus veteran with the CENTURY 21 brand, Miedler has served in numerous positions throughout the company including chief growth officer and senior vice president of Franchise Sales. Prior to his tenure in these growth roles, Miedler was the vice president of Operations at C21, managing business such as awards, events, commercial and a referral platform. Miedler understands that buying and selling a house can be the most complex transaction a person ever makes, which is why he is so passionate about helping Century 21’s 131,000-plus independent sales professionals defy mediocrity every single day as they transform the home-buying process from just a transaction to an extraordinary experience for their clients.

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