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Episode 12
Nick Bailey
Chief Customer Officer
RE/MAX Intl.


With almost 25 years of experience in the industry, RE/MAX Chief Customer Officer Nick Bailey understands the importance of the customer experience in real estate and the role that recruitment and retention plays in a successful brokerage. Bailey is set on providing not only the right tools and tactics for brokers to help with the recruiting process, but also providing a healthy culture and atmosphere where agents feel they can thrive in their careers. In this week’s episode of RISMedia’s RealEdge podcast, Bailey shares strategies and tactics that brokers today should be implementing to ensure they are hiring and maintaining the best agents. He shares the importance of focusing on productivity and individual success, as well as how to preserve these relationships as we move forward in an ever-changing industry.

On this week’s episode you’ll learn:

2:54 The role and goals of a chief customer officer
3:16 The importance of customer experience
3:45 How RE/MAX’s goals translate to customer experience
4:37 Real estate agents statistics and RE/MAX goals
6:20 Top 3 strategies for recruiting and retaining great agents
9:58 How much time you should dedicate to recruiting agents and how to retain that agent
16:43 When and who to hire to help with recruiting and retention
20:12 ROI recruiter timeframe and common mistakes when hiring recruiters
23:48 The role of culture in recruiting and retention agents
25:45 How to stay productive, increase sales and stay connected through COVID-19 while recruiting and retaining a team
30:52 Outlooks and broker goals for recruitment and retention heading into 2021

About Nick Bailey

Starting his real estate career at the young age of 17, Nick Bailey, chief customer officer for RE/MAX International, was born for this industry. While still a high school student, Bailey purchased two commercial properties, becoming the landlord for what he claims to be the “coolest pizza place in town.” After graduating, he went onto college where he bought his first home at 18, just two blocks down the street from his school, renting out rooms to help finance his mortgage. By 21, Bailey was a licensed real estate agent. He joined RE/MAX World Headquarters after five years of running his own firm, along with his partner. Over the next nearly 12 years, he partnered and worked with many nationally and globally-known real estate companies, including serving as president and CEO for Century 21 Real Estate. Back with RE/MAX as chief customer officer, Bailey, now equipped with almost 25 years of industry experience, leads the RE/MAX brand around the world, putting focus on the customer. He believes the customer experience today is vital in their choice of who to work with. Bailey hopes to utilize RE/MAX’s successful foundation to continue the growth of the company’s top producing agents by providing the best culture and atmosphere to true entrepreneurs who want to build their business.

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