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As VP of Marketing at Lamacchia Realty and Crush It in Real Estate, the biggest question I get asked is: “What do I post on my Facebook business page?” Some would hope the answer would be, “Here’s a list of posts that should be posted every two days at 4:00 p.m. to get the most engagement.”

Unfortunately, this question is more complex, and so is the answer. When it comes to posting on social media, the strategy is so personal that there’s no one-size-fits-all plan. The good news is that there’s a simple framework that will help generate effective ideas and set you apart from the rest.

The three building blocks of the framework are the main topics your business page should discuss. You should strive to make your posts 50% business related, 30% personal and 20% about the community.

The business part is easy. You post listings, open houses, client success stories and more, but this can be difficult for someone who is just starting out. This person should focus on training, posting blog articles and videos of them educating their friends and followers as to the realities of the current market.

Personal posts are the next topic to cover. Potential clients are looking for someone they know, like and trust to help guide them through the biggest transaction of their lives, so letting them get a glimpse into who you are as a person is important.

Think about HGTV’s Chip and Joanna Gaines. You know they flip houses, but they always seem to weave their hobbies or their family and friends into each episode. This helps them connect with viewers and build a loyal following of people who truly see them as humans and not just home-flipping machines. Connect with your followers as a human being so they see past the agent and get to know you.

The third topic to cover is community. Real estate is a community-driven business. While it’s possible to sell a home pretty much anywhere you’re licensed, whether you live there or not, if someone knows that you’re part of their community, they will automatically feel more connected to you. Posting pictures of yourself at the local park on your business page is a great example.

Now that you have the three topics that will guide your posts, feel free to mix them together. For example, if your kids are helping you drop off gifts to your past clients, post a picture of that on your business page. This demonstrates a personal and business post. A video of you sitting on the sidelines of the local soccer field cheering on your daughter’s team is an example of a personal and community post. If you’re wearing your brokerage gear in the picture, it’s now all three: business, personal and community.

Not only does the answer to the “what do I post” question get easier when you break it down into these three building blocks, it also gets more fun. You can even turn the question into a game you play each day to determine what the next great post would be.

For more social media tips and tricks, visit www.crushitinre.com/social-media-tips.

Lindsay Favazza is vice president of Marketing at Lamacchia Realty, Crush It in Real Estate, and REAL Training and Systems. For more information, please visit www.lamacchiarealty.com.