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Up Your Game With .realtor™ and .realestate Web Addresses

As the line between in-person and online engagement continues to blur, your presence on the web becomes increasingly important to your success. And nothing speaks louder about your business online than your web address. When it includes a top-level domain like .realtor™ or .realestate, you’re sending a clear and powerful message about who you are and what you do—and it helps you stand out in a crowded internet space.

What Is a Top-Level Domain?

A top-level domain, or TLD, is the last segment of a web domain name, the portion that comes after the final dot. Common examples like .com, .org and .net are open for anyone to register, while other familiar TLDs are restricted, like .edu, which is solely for educational entities, and .gov, reserved for government purposes.

Recently, the number of TLDs has expanded, making brand- and industry-specific options available, including .realtor™ and .realestate. The .realtor™ top-level domain is restricted to members of the National Association of REALTORS® and the Canadian Real Estate Association, while the .realestate TLD is available to everyone.

.Realtor™ Addresses Bring Instant Recognition 

A .realtor™ TLD makes you and your agents immediately recognizable, not only as a real estate professional, but as one who answers to a strict Code of Ethics. Your .realtor™ address leverages the power and influence of the $5 billion REALTOR® brand and its association with professionalism, expertise and trust.

Only REALTORS® are eligible to acquire .realtor™ TLDs, and as a member benefit, the first year is free for the first new domain. Plus, that domain can be forwarded to free realtor.com® agent profiles for even more exposure. You and your agents can opt to use your own name or business name, or entice customers to your site with catchy, personalized addresses such as dealcloserdoug.realtor, clientslovecamille.realtor or topofthemarketmark.realtor.

.Realestate TLDs Target Valuable Niche Markets

While .realtor™ serves to add credibility to REALTORS® and their businesses on the web, the .realestate domain leverages real estate as a descriptive and internationally known term to support everything your brokerage does. A .realestate TLD helps you rise to the top in online searches and provides endless possibilities to creatively market your brokerage. You can choose multiple addresses to highlight your team’s specialties, home in on geocentric categories or tout tailored market niches with TLDs like highriseliving.realestate, mountain.realestate or househunters.realestate.

Name Changer, Game Changer

In real estate, stiff competition is a given. But with new .realtor™ or .realestate top-level domains representing all of your agents and specialties, your brokerage will make its mark in a saturated market with an online presence that positions your team as a trusted source in real estate and the go-to professionals in your community.

There is no limit to the number of .realtor™ or .realestate domains you can claim, so make sure you leverage multiple TLDs in your digital marketing strategy to help:

– Build your brand, convert leads to loyal clients and maximize your marketshare.

Strengthen your standing on the web and increase your ROI with TLDs that make it easier for customers to find you and help you forge connections with homebuyers, sellers and investors.

– Own your brand online with personalized web and email addresses that showcase your agents’ styles, properties and expertise.

– Create a positive consumer experience with a polished, professional and mobile-friendly website that ends in .realtor™ or .realestate to build trust and credibility and set yourself apart.

– Position your brokerage as an innovative tech leader that’s ahead of the curve and prepared for the evolving ways consumers are using the internet.

Claim Your Names and Dominate Your Domains 

Stake your claim for your brokerage’s .realtor™ and .realestate domains today! REALTORS® receive the first year free for .realtor™ domains. Visit get.realtor to get started.
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