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Being a successful real estate professional is all about maintaining and growing your client base. Whether you’re at an open house, a meeting or even a dinner party, you know you’ve got to grow your brand.

But how can you possibly nurture relationships with everyone you meet along the way?

Email marketing is the answer.

A study conducted by the National Association of REALTORS® about real estate in the digital age, showed that 92% of REALTORS® prefer to communicate with their clients via email, with 93% using it every day. In fact, 63% of email marketing campaigns receive a positive engagement.

These are stats we simply can’t ignore! Amarki will explore the varieties of email marketing tips you can use to convert leads, nurture prospects and earn continued business from past clients.

1. Send an actionable welcome email.
The most important email is probably your welcome email. Your welcome email introduces leads to your services and yourself. Your leads may have come from open house, your website or, better yet, directly through a referral.

Regardless of how you connected, Amarki recommends sending your welcome email after your first contact.

Your welcome email gives you a jumpstart on your competition. And, with nearly two million active real estate agents across the U.S., there’s no time to waste in positioning your brand for success.

2. Nurture your buyers.
It’s important to ensure you’re keeping potential buyers updated with new listings in their desired neighborhoods through email blasts.

Although they may have signed up to receive email alerts, you should also follow-up personally to see if anything has caught their eye.

As you know, buying a house is a major decision, and often requires nurturing for quite some time before they’re ready to take the next step in their buying journey.

3. Captivate interested sellers with emails.
Buyers are one side of real estate, but we can’t forget about the sellers. Amarki notes that 70% of home sellers interview just one agent before signing a contract. That means you must put your best foot forward and showcase your knowledge and expertise.

Sellers want to know what their house is worth and if you’re the right person to sell it.  It’s important that you’re able to address both concerns to prompt them into action.

Offering a comparative market analysis of their home and neighborhood will help you stand out from the crowd and form a meaningful relationship with the seller.

4. Care for your past clients.
Referrals are another important avenue for growing your business. Referrals can come from clients, colleagues, friends, family and suppliers.

Plan carefully when marketing to past clients. Instead of sending current market updates, Amarki recommends including newsletters focusing on DIY projects, local events or home and landscaping trends. Sending personalized emails for holidays or the anniversary of their move will let them know you value their relationship beyond just the close.

Amarki was built by real estate experts for brokerages and agents based on years of industry experience and first-hand feedback. We developed a marketing tool accessible to anyone, no matter the experience or marketing budget. By providing an intuitive tool that works for the agent, Amarki is able to remove the complexity of marketing tasks making agents more active. Learn more about Amarki and register for your account by clicking here.