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Episode #21
Todd Sumney
Chief Industry Officer
HomeSmart International
The Real Estate Agent is The Brand’ The 90-Day Game Plan For New Agents


The housing market has been red hot amid solid demand, low-interest rates and razor-thin inventory. Not only has the latter created a frenzy among buyers, but it also presents a challenge for agents trying to find homes to list for their clients. 

In this episode, Todd Sumney brings his 30-year branding and marketing expertise to the table and breaks down how new and seasoned agents can establish their brands with clients, and drum up more business in just three months. 

On this week’s episode, you’ll learn:

1:21 – Todd’s passion for helping agents become better marketers
3:57 – How to create a marketable brand that connects with clients
6:33 – How to earn listings through marketing
8:54 – How to use a neighborhood report to create business
11:03 – The 15 ways to engage with prospective clients
26:27 – What results can you expect in 90 Days
29:30 – Where technology fits into the equation

About Todd Sumney

Todd Sumney is the Chief Industry Officer of HomeSmart International, where he started as the company’s chief marketing officer in 2014.  

Sumney joined HomeSmart with more than 25 years of experience in marketing, advertising and graphic design for large companies and clients across multiple industries, including The Mayo Clinic, Dole Foods, Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Microchip Technologies, Franklin Covey, and Realty Executives International. Sumney and his team are responsible for HomeSmart’s entire branding and marketing initiatives, including a heavy emphasis on providing marketing tools and media for HomeSmart franchisees and agents. 

As the world went virtual in 2020, so did Sumney and his team, creating new marketing and communications pieces for agents to use in their business, including social media graphics, signage, and scripts—all to help agents and their clients buy and sell homes virtually. His efforts also included daily training, webinars, and online meetings.

Through his education, Sumney introduced the concept of virtual open houses, tours, and showings, opening his classes up to agents both inside and outside the network, filling an educational void to support professionals when business success seemed impossible.

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