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Video walk-throughs of for-sale properties are a must for today’s real estate agents looking to gain new leads and sell homes fast. If this feature is not already part of your current marketing plan, it’s time to whip out your camera or smartphone and get shooting.

Remember, you don’t need to be a film buff to create successful video tours of your properties. In fact, with a little bit of creativity and some smart thinking, you can showcase your homes in a new way, scoring new leads and clients in the process.

Here are six simple steps for creating not only successful, but impactful video walk-throughs that will catch the eye of buyers searching for their next home online and on social media.

1. Create a game plan.
Before you grab your camera and press record, come up with a plan to best showcase your listing. Depending on the features inside and surrounding the property, you can show off the best parts of the home and help homebuyers truly see themselves building a life there.

A large backyard, for example, can be a huge selling point to families. Or maybe there is a specific room in the home that will make a perfect home office. Does the house have a specific flow that you want to show off? No matter how you choose to showcase this property, create a detailed plan from start to finish.

1. Write a script.
Once you have an idea of how you want to show off the listing and specific areas of the property you want to highlight, it’s time to write a script. If you already have a listing description written up for a particular listing, keep it handy, as it will likely remind you of specific features you want to highlight. Of course, any good real estate agent knows their property and the details of each listing, but it will ultimately help ensure the final video has a clear, concise script that flows with the imagery it’s paired with.

3. Get the right equipment. 
Filming a listing video doesn’t have to be complicated—in fact, you can use just your smartphone and end up with a high-quality finished product. But just in case you want to go the extra mile, consider adding a few of these products to your arsenal: video camera, drone (for aerial shots of the property), a good microphone, editing software, etc. Though you don’t need all this equipment, it’s never a bad thing to be prepared and showcase your listing in exciting new ways.

4. Do a practice run.
Practice, practice, practice. Yes, you are simply walking through a home with a camera and a script—but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t run through it a few times to get it just right. Even top professional athletes have to practice to hone their skills and perform at their best. Plus, a few practice runs can help you decide if the flow of the video is off, and you can make changes to your game plan and script as needed. Once you run through it a few times, you will be ready to hit record on your camera and put on a show!

5. Pick the right day.
Oftentimes, when you schedule a day to take your listing photos, you want an optimal amount of light to showcase the home’s features. The same should go for your listing video. If you can schedule your video walk-through for the same day you plan to take listing photos, you save a lot of time and energy. So, what exactly is the perfect day to shoot? The answer is simple: sunshine! The last thing you want to do is talk about the amazing amount of natural light that a living room or kitchen offers, then film the space under a dark and cloudy sky.

6. Hire a professional.
Video walk-throughs can easily be a DIY project. However, hiring a professional at some point is never a bad idea. Photographers can help you understand lighting and angles that will best show off each room in the home. Videographers often have access to the best equipment, especially drones, that can help unlock the true potential of viewing a property. Editors can be especially helpful for real estate agents, as they can help put your entire video together with no mistakes. Hiring a pro through this process, no matter at which stage, will not only help heighten the quality of your video, but also ultimately give you more time to dedicate to your clients, leads, marketing and even planning out your next video walk-through.

These videos don’t strictly have to live on your listings page. Share them across your social media accounts to reach a wider audience of potential buyers. Pair them with a link to the listing, a few highlights of the property and your contact information. Even pose a question to your audience asking what their favorite feature is to spark a conversation and increase engagement.

No matter how you go about creating video walk-throughs of your listings, it is important for real estate professionals to feature at least a few throughout their listings. As more buyers head online to start their home search, the expectation for creating a new experience is rising. By following these simple steps, you can showcase your for-sale listings, attract new leads, sell more homes and boost your reputation as a top agent in no time!

Paige Brown is RISMedia’s content editor. Email her your real estate news ideas to paige@rismedia.com.