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NAR Spire is a groundbreaking new initiative designed and developed to provide aspiring professionals in underserved populations the chance to explore a real estate career. The program aims to spark interest in the industry among mentees from all backgrounds and offer expert guidance and access to career opportunities and generational wealth-building. Mentors are industry influencers who are motivated to strengthen the real estate profession and create a more equitable future.

“So many REALTORS® have at some point had a mentor step into our lives, invest in our careers and shape our success as professionals,” says NAR President Charlie Oppler, a REALTOR® from Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, and the CEO of Prominent Properties Sotheby’s International Realty. “Now, we want experienced NAR members to pay those advantages forward to the individuals who will shape U.S. real estate in the decades ahead.”

Harrison Beacher, managing partner, Keller Williams Capital Properties, and 2021 president-elect, Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®, jumped at the chance to become a mentor. “I’ve had a lot of support from mentors, and as a person of color, what excites me most about the program is encouraging a more diverse next wave of leaders at the state and local association level.”

Beacher is part of a pilot program launched in June with nine participating state and local associations:

– Chicago – Chicago Association of REALTORS®
– Durham, N.C. – Durham Regional Association of REALTORS®
– Maryland – Maryland REALTORS®
– Memphis, Tenn. – Memphis Area Association of REALTORS®
– Raleigh, N.C. – Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS®
– Rochester, N.Y. – Greater Rochester Association of REALTORS®
– Seattle – Seattle-King County Association of REALTORS®
– Trenton, N.J. – New Jersey REALTORS®; CORE Association of REALTORS®
– Washington, D.C. – DC Association of REALTORS®

Benefits for Participants
Through NAR Spire, mentees benefit from one-on-one access to a seasoned real estate professional and the chance to explore the many career paths of a robust industry and the American Dream of property ownership. They participate in job shadowing and networking opportunities and attend educational events to learn about residential and commercial real estate, marketing, IT, property inspection, property management, staging, mortgage banking and other disciplines.

For mentors, Spire provides a platform to play a leadership role in addressing inequity, plus the chance to network with peers, expand their influence and increase their impact in the industry. According to NAR CEO Bob Goldberg, “We’ve reached beyond NAR’s walls to collaborate with partners across a number of industries, and we’re confident this program will help REALTORS® enhance their reputation as invested, engaged and integral members of every U.S. community.”

Beacher adds, “It’s a great time for this program because it reminds those of us who are doing well that so much of our success is based on relationship, reputation and connection. When you give of your time and yourself, you might even develop someone that’s a good fit for your sales team or office later. And though that could happen, it’s definitely not why I chose to participate. When you make your world bigger, you create better, stronger connections, and only good things will come of it—that’s what our business is built on.”

Become an NAR Spire Mentor
Set yourself apart as a broker and REALTOR® who stands up to make a difference as an NAR Spire mentor. Encourage your agents to advocate for a more diverse and inclusive industry and apply as well. To register or learn more, visit NAR.realtor/NARmentorship.

New Real Estate Careers Website
FutureInRealEstate.realtor is NAR’s new premier online destination to learn about all types of career opportunities in real estate. Be sure to include it in your recruitment efforts.
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