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As a real estate professional, you should be spending ample time working leads and trying to convert them into actual, paying clients. One of the best ways to do this is by using a highly impactful listing presentation.

A listing presentation can be extremely valuable to your business; it is essentially an interview to represent a potential seller in a real estate transaction. Take some time this weekend to create or revamp your listing presentation with these helpful tips in mind:

Use Graphics

The best listing presentations are those that clearly position you as an expert in your local market. Be sure to use graphics in your presentation. Likewise, be sure the information the graphics illustrate is hyperlocal because it needs to be relevant to the exact market you serve. Also, make the content digestible for normal buyers and sellers, and not filled with jargon that only other agents would understand.

Powerful Scripts

Picking up the phone or meeting with potential clients in person is still one of the most tested ways to convert leads. Reliable scripts that pertain to different buyers and sellers who you may encounter should be part of your lead generating arsenal. You should already be using scripts for cold calls, but take time this weekend to go over them and see if there’s anything that may require tweaking.

Valuable Statistics

Buyers and sellers will want to know your qualifications before they decide to work with you. Be prepared with all your certifications and designations at the start of a listing presentation. Additionally, include some valuable sales statistics, such as the number of homes you’ve sold in recent months and the average sales price of the homes you’ve sold.

Your listing presentation can be the difference between a new client and a blown lead, so be sure to take some time this weekend to revamp yours!

Agents, what are some other techniques you use to beef up your listing presentations?

Jameson Doris is RISMedia’s social media/blog editor. Email him your real estate news ideas to jdoris@rismedia.com