Electric air conditioning isn’t cheap to run, nor is it eco-friendly, so…
Here are seven energy-efficient ways to stay cool in your home this summer, no matter how hot it gets outside.
Use Fans
Standing and table-top fans are quiet and effective—and an economical solution for cooling small areas.
Turn Down the Lights
Lights generate heat, so turn them down or off whenever you can.
Use Light-Blocking Curtains
In sunny rooms, light-blocking drapes or curtains can help keep a room from building up heat.
Be Mindful of Oven Use
If you must turn on the oven, do so primarily in the early morning hours. Better yet, prepare colorful, protein-based salads instead of a hot meal.
Take Shorter, Cooler Showers
Taking a short, cool shower is a great way to refresh your skin and help you feel more invigorated.