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Inside Real Estate has announced its first product release from its new homeownership technology, CORE Home.

CORE Home is a consumer destination, branded completely to the brokerage and agent. It anchors consumers in a single place, allowing brokerages to deliver a seamlessly connected experience throughout the entire homeownership lifecycle: from living in a home and understanding its value, searching for their next home, streamlining the complexities of a current transaction, moving into a new home and back to living in their current home. 

CORE Home will be available via mobile web, allowing all kvCORE Platform customers to provide this experience to their clients, at no additional cost. Brokerages will also have options for a fully branded, custom mobile app. According to the company, the investment in this consumer-facing technology enhances the value that brokerages and their agents deliver to consumers, creating coveted lifetime relationships that leap-frog the generic experiences available today from large portal players.

Inside Real Estate began building the homeownership solution 18 months ago as a partner product to kvCORE, its flagship Platform. CORE Home was built with the brokerage and agent front and center. The product is designed to keep them top of mind with consumers, increase repeat and referral business, and ensure they stay at the center of the real estate transaction. Future extensions to CORE Home will help brokerages increase profitability through the monetization of affiliated services, adds the company.

“At our heart, we are the tech partner for real estate brokerages, and we’re stepping forward arm in arm with our broker partners to provide what the industry needs next,” said Joe Skousen, CEO at Inside Real Estate, in a statement. “It’s time for consumers to be able to enjoy the most modern, tech-enabled experiences around what is the largest asset in most of our lives. On top of that, they should be able to work with the brokerage brands and agents who they trust as their local home advisor through not only a home sale, shopping and purchase experience; but through every aspect of their homeownership lifecycle. Honestly, it’s what every consumer is looking for and what every brokerage is designed to deliver.”

CORE Home is branded entirely to the brokerage. CORE Home allows brokerages and their agents to deliver a modern, tech-enabled experience that engages consumers throughout their homeownership journey, including these four cyclical components:

  • Current Home: Helps consumers understand and manage their greatest asset with real-time alerts around home value and detailed local market data, along with visibility into their mortgage and insurance information, trends and opportunities to ensure they have the most competitive rates available. Brokerages and agents stay top of mind as a vital information source versus the homeowner going to other sources every day.
  • Next Home: Provides brokers and their teams and agents with a search and discovery experience, tailored to the client’s life. From exploring their next move with an advanced search experience to insights designed to engage and “delight” with personalized results that evolve based on consumer behavior. Homeowners can use tools to understand how much they can afford for their next home and get pre-qualified for a purchase. 
  • Buy & Sell: For brokers and agents with integrated services, active homebuyers and sellers can monitor their entire transaction in one place, with tracking every step of the way including contingency removals, home inspection, appraisal, mortgage status, title and more. 
  • Move: Once the transaction is complete, homebuyers and sellers can tap into the help they need with moving companies, home improvement companies and services all within the same app they’ve used to manage their home and transactions. Brokerages and agents build lasting client relationships with the all-encompassing, tech-driven app that gives homeowners instant and trusted access to everything they need to manage their move now, and their home forever.

A fully integrated chat feature will ensure homeowners can instantly reach out and interact with their agent at any stage in the journey, keeping the agent as the long-term homeownership advisor for the consumer.

Following the launch of CORE Home, Inside Real Estate will continue the development of their homeownership technology with the launch of CORE Services Connect, an integrated workflow and connector for brokerages affiliated service partners in 2022, with options for brokerage integration into their CORE Home app. This additional set of optional integrations will provide end-to-end transaction tracking and allow agents and title representatives, loan officers, transaction coordinators and more to easily communicate with the homeowner and keep them informed throughout the process.

“Until now, there hasn’t been a single, personalized solution with the tools and information consumers need to create the digital experience they desire that’s both accessible and effective,” said Nick Macey, president of Inside Real Estate, in a statement. “Our new homeownership platform is filling that void by combining innovative technology with the powerful broker and agent experience that our customers provide, to ensure a seamless process for all parties involved in the homeownership cycle.”

A beta version of the homeownership solution will be available to select kvCORE brokerages this fall and all kvCORE brokerages clients and their agents will get the desktop and mobile web version of CORE Home for free in 2022. A paid, custom-branded mobile app version will also be available exclusively to kvCORE customers.

“The relationship between a knowledgeable real estate agent and their client is at the heart of every real estate transaction. CORE Home is designed to empower that relationship with powerful data-driven insights, elevated across the client’s entire homeownership journey, all while eliminating frustrating tech and service gaps,” Skousen tells RISMedia. “Brokers and agents will find themselves as the long-term, trusted advisor, not just at the point of the transaction—but throughout the consumer’s entire experience at home.  Additionally, brokerages are able to unlock powerful and profitable services. It’s helping brokerages and their agents truly focus their entire business around lifetime client relationships.”

For more information, please visit insiderealestate.com/corehome.
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