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MooveGuru recently announced that Kathleen Kuhn will become the company’s first female president in the its history.

Seven months ago, Kathleen Kuhn joined the MooveGuru team as EVP of Strategy to help expand the company’s consumer services beyond the move and launch the YourHomeHub franchise offering.

“I knew that we were bringing on an industry leader, a thought leader and a people leader,” said Scott Oakley, MooveGuru chief executive officer, in a statement. “Kathleen has shown competency in every aspect of the business and her tireless work ethic is unparalleled!”

Kuhn introduced franchising to MooveGuru. She was the chief executive at HouseMaster Home Inspection and PatchMaster Drywall Repair, serving almost 400 franchises, before selling HouseMaster to Neighborly. She continues to hold an interest in PatchMaster. Since joining MooveGuru, she assisted in creating the YourHomeHub consumer portal and franchise opportunity. Through YourHomeHub, consumers can access extensive details about their home and local market conditions, store important documents, manage appliance details, generate accurate estimates for home repairs and find local contractors for over 1,000 different home service categories.

“I am beyond excited about my role, the team and the future of MooveGuru”, said Kuhn. “Helping real estate agents deliver concierge service to clients while moving and continuing to help them through homeownership is a goal I feel well qualified to accomplish.”

For more information, please visit www.mooveguru.com.
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