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At a time when video content is at a premium, an agent’s marketing strategy can’t be complete without developing a presence on YouTube.

With more than 288 million daily users, according to Statista,  YouTube provides several benefits for your branding efforts that are too good to pass up. From generating leads and promoting your brand to expanding your reach to audiences worldwide, tapping into the YouTube wellspring of viewers can take your marketing to the next level.

Whether you’re new to the platform or an established YouTuber, here are some tips to help you maximize the opportunity.

Content Creation 
Content reigns supreme on YouTube, and there is plenty of room for agents and brokers to carve out their niche. Develop a content style that not only matches your target audience’s preferences but also allows you to play to your strengths and interests.

Leverage your passion for data to keep viewers informed on the latest market trends. Showcase your sense of humor with entertaining commentary on real estate’s dos and don’ts. Whatever you’re interested in, share it with your audience in a way that will add value and keep them coming back.

Search Optimization
While posting engaging videos is essential to your YouTube marketing strategy, there’s more you’ll need to do to increase your visibility. As the second-most viewed and used search engine globally, YouTube abides by the same search engine optimization (SEO) rules that Google—its parent company—does.

To give your videos a chance at breaking the top spots of viewer searches, you’ll need to include a solid title and a video description that provides plenty of keywords, hashtags and more.

Target Audience
It never hurts to know who your target audience is. Like most social media platforms, YouTube offers built-in analytics tracking tools to keep you informed about who is consuming your content—this comes with a business profile. Take time to establish your audience by researching and cross-referencing your other social media accounts.

Use that information to determine how this group engages with YouTube. Take note of the pages they are visiting. Use your analytics tools to gauge when they are searching the site and what content they are consuming. Any metrics that you can gather on your preferred audience can be used to tailor your content and strategy for success.

Tools of Engagement
Part of your audience research and content development should also come from your engagement with viewers and other content creators on YouTube. The pool of influencers discussing real estate on YouTube is more significant than you’d think, which provides the opportunity to step into the comment section and engage with people.

Find ways to collaborate with other channels, interact with viewers who comment on your content and apply any feedback you get to improve your channel.

Authenticity and Consistency
You’ve probably heard this before, but being authentic and consistent is essential to thriving on YouTube. While researching other channels for pointers is advised, refrain from becoming a carbon copy of other content creators.

Focus on building your channel around your personal and professional brand and showcase your unique qualities. As you develop your YouTube game plan—post schedules, branding, look and feel—stick to it. Part of building your footprint on the platform is developing trust and a genuine connection with your viewers.

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate online editor. Email him your real estate news to jgrice@rismedia.com.
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