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Diane Glass, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Chicago, unveiled the “Move Confidently” anthem to the company on Aug. 19. Move Confidently works in concert with a new brand campaign that is bold and innovative and captures the BHHS Chicago story and shares it with Chicagoland and Harbor Country, Michigan buyers, sellers and renters, as well as consumers and real estate brokers.

The “Move Confidently” campaign utilizes bold imagery that creates excitement and curiosity, and is complemented by copy that is clever, direct and witty. Original photography of BHHS Chicago agents and staff showcases real life passions and demonstrates what it is to Move Confidently personally and professionally. The tone of the campaign is warm, direct, intelligent and humbly knowledgeable.

“One of my wildly important goals when I became CEO was to help our company tell our story to the world. We have a history that runs deep and is multi-faceted with a lot of layers, and our evolution over the past two years has been remarkable,” Glass said in a statement. “I wanted to help our agents effectively and concisely convey what makes us a passionate, committed community of professionals that support and uplift each other while helping buyers, sellers and renters joyfully achieve their real estate goals. We think ‘Move Confidently’ is the perfect anthem to describe what we are all about. I’m excited about our future as a company, and that together we will dream boldly and serve authentically. We are Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Chicago, and we Move Confidently.”

Glass shared that the company engaged 1000Watt and Otherwise, Inc. to identify, then hone the message to its essence and bring it to life. The result is a fresh, conversational vernacular that retains its professional and passionate character, said the company. “Move Confidently” are two simple words that establish personal connection while elevating what the firm does best and celebrating who they are.

“During extensive interviews with BHHS Chicago agents and employees, 1000Watt created a body of exceptional work that showed people feel valued, respected and appreciated. They identified that BHHS Chicago has a culture of support and connection. The resulting campaign messaging demonstrates the company’s commitment to its people, their clients and consumers. Text from one ad explains, ‘Buying or selling a home isn’t an everyday thing. It’s a ‘change your life’ thing. Choose your real estate agent accordingly.’ Text from another ad asks, ‘Will you pay too much for a home? Depends on who your agent is,'” said Nancy Lemer, co-founder of Otherwise Incorporated, in a statement.

“We at Otherwise then worked our creative magic, using BHHS Chicago’s own people rather than models to bring the stories to life in a unique way. We also created the Ring of Confidence, building on the strength of the BHHS quality seal. This graphic element honors the BHHS brand in a cool and bold way,” added Lemer. “We incorporated that ring throughout the campaign. ‘Move Confidently’ is both an anthem and a campaign that describes BHHS Chicago perfectly.”

The “Move Confidently” campaign will be on billboards, screens and glossy magazine ads as well as in the hands of the company’s agents. “Move Confidently” is ready-made for social, digital and marketing collateral. All BHHS Chicago agents received a subscription to Canva Pro, the professional version of the popular graphic design program. All agent accounts had “Move Confidently” templates pre-loaded so that they could make the campaign their own immediately to promote their listings, events and themselves.

For more information, please visit www.bhhschicago.com.