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When it comes to creating new business in real estate, referrals are the name of the game. With that in mind, the close of a transaction should never mark the end of your relationship with a client, but instead potentially the beginning of a new relationship because those clients are often the best sources for new referrals.

Creating long-lasting relationships with your clients is how you’ll also be able to create return business. By cutting a client relationship short, you’re also cutting off future referral and return revenue, so consider these three ways to develop long-lasting relationships with your clients:

Be present.
After you help a client find their dream home or close on their property, you should work to remain a constant presence in their lives. This isn’t to say you should text and email them constantly; rather, be diligent in maintaining a few quality touches every quarter.

Be human. You shouldn’t simply reach out during life events and holidays. Humanize yourself and be a resource to your clients for years to come. You can achieve this by engaging with them on social media and by providing them with any support they may need when it’s appropriate.

Have conversations. When you’re in contact with former clients, one of the best ways to come across as human is to have genuine conversations. Whether it’s related to real estate or a person’s personal life, be open and present. Don’t just spew facts; instead, try your best to really connect with these individuals, because that’s how you’ll make an impression.

Getting through the transaction is easy. Developing a relationship with your clients after you close on a property is the tricky part. With dedication and authenticity, your efforts will pay off!

Jameson Doris is RISMedia’s social media/blog editor. Email him your real estate news ideas to jdoris@rismedia.com.