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Growing and nurturing your sphere of influence is a constantly moving target. With ever-changing algorithms, here are four tips successful real estate agents are using to grow their businesses.

1. Leverage Geography

Use different location tags (neighborhood, etc.) on Instagram. When you alternate your location tags, it is a quick and easy way to reach a larger audience and boost engagement.

Just like dial-up internet, marketing by zip codes is a thing of the past. Now is the time to give your target market exactly what they need—hyperlocal information customized to their neighborhood rather than generic information they can get from anyone. Learn more about hyperlocal marketing here.

2. Be Platform Independent

If your entire marketing strategy revolves around social media, you are effectively building your house on rented land. You need to build your email list in a dedicated CRM. As you are building your email list, it is critical to dedicate the time to nurture it. As your list grows, you should invest in email marketing software.

As operating systems evolve, so should your marketing. With the myriad changes in the pipeline for security, simply measuring open or click-through rates will no longer be enough to measure your marketing’s success. Instead of tracking email open rates (with the iOS updates, these will soon be irrelevant), track a lead magnet download. Rather than focusing solely on website traffic, focus on your conversion rate. For most real estate agents, website conversion rates are around 1% – 2%.

3. Position Yourself as the Market Expert

Even in a digital world, people still buy from people. Leverage video and photos to help make your brand uniquely you. Nobody expects perfection—done is better than perfect. An easy way to use video is to conduct a walkthrough of open homes.

Your content should be a balance of educational posts, professional content and personal content. An easy way to build your brand authority and establish your personality is to use testimonials, success stories and anecdotes. If you lean too heavily in one direction on the content you will lose your audience and the algorithm.

4. Accessibility Matters

When posting a video on social media, include your own generated captions or utilize the platform’s captioning option. Closed captions are essential for the hearing impaired, but they are also beneficial for marketing as 85% of all Facebook videos are watched with the sound off. When posting images, either include a caption that is descriptive or use Instagram’s alt text feature. Image descriptions just need to be clear so anyone using a screen reader can enjoy the content.

Fathom Realty currently operates in 33 states with over 6900 agents. Agents enjoy a higher net income through Fathom’s 100% commission, transaction fee compensation model, allowing them to invest more money into growing their business. Fathom agents earn stock grants based on their contribution to revenue and company growth. To learn more about Fathom, visit www.fathomlife.com.