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You’ve probably heard this a lot since you first started in the industry: real estate is a relationship business.

The pathway toward building relationships with prospective clients is forged through engaging and showcasing your value as a real estate professional. It doesn’t hurt to get creative with reaching out to potential clients, and the holidays are in full swing. You have plenty of options to connect and build relationships this season.

Here are some of the best ways to convert hot leads into loyal clients this month.

Festive Outreach
Get into the holiday spirit and inspire your leads to do the same by sending them a handwritten or digital postcard inviting them to connect. Keep the design festively seasonal and provide your contact information and photo of your team and some content that puts your best foot forward. Another option is a video text where you speak directly to your potential client. Whichever way you decide to contact your leads, remember to show genuine interest in working with them. Top off your message with a call to action by encouraging them to set up a time to meet or chat. Don’t forget to wish them a “Happy Holidays” from you and your team.

Holiday Meet and Greet
‘Tis the season of hot cocoa and cookies, so why not invite potential clients for both while you get to know them and their preferences. Depending on your pandemic protocols, either host office hours or meet at a local cafe where you can sit down with leads and chat. If you’re able to do the former, crank up the holiday tunes and set the mood with some fresh baked goods so you can make people feel right at home as you discuss finding their new home.

Light Shows and Festivals
As an agent, you want to showcase your expertise and knowledge of the neighborhoods you work in. You also want to help make your clients feel at home. A great way to do that is to promote and highlight local activities and events that are traditions in the communities you serve. Schedule times to meet with prospective buyers during community gatherings this time of year and show them around.

The list doesn’t have to stop there. Explore different relationship-building methods during the holidays that will keep you top of mind and boost your clientele this year.

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate online editor. Email him your real estate news ideas to jgrice@rismedia.com.