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You know that successful businesses, big and small, have distinct brands that are memorable and instantly recognizable—but did you ever stop to think about your brand? As a real estate agent, you are your brand; your brand is defined by your values and characteristics, by your unique personality. Here are some ways to build your brand as an agent.

1. Identify Your Audience
Who are your ideal clients? What motivates them to close a deal? What’s the best way for you to connect with them? Answering these questions will help you hone your methods for meeting clients, advertising your brand and focusing on effective social media channels.

2. Define Your Brand
What makes you different? What sets you apart from other real estate agents in your area? Why do your clients choose to work with you? Even if you’re a brand-new agent, you still have specific strengths to offer your clients. Think about who you are, why you became a REALTOR® and how you want your audience to perceive you and your brand. Check out our FREE guide on building your brand!

3. Get The Look
If you really want to appear put-together and professional, hire a designer to create a logo and an overall “look” for your personal branding. Using consistent fonts, graphics and color schemes across all your branding will broadcast the message that you’re not only professional but stylish as well.

4. Become Social Media Savvy
Having a solid understanding of how to utilize various social media platforms is an absolute must for business success in the 21st century. The good news is that you don’t have to know everything about every platform; it’s better to specialize in the ones most often utilized by your desired audience. For example, adults over 40 tend to use Facebook and Twitter most often, while millennials prefer TikTok and Instagram.

5. Share Quality Content
Once you’ve determined which social media platforms you need to focus on, start compiling a list of topics your audience might find helpful. An easy way to do this is to keep track of the questions your clients ask most frequently. You can also ask your clients for suggestions directly. Providing information that educates, clarifies or provokes thought is an excellent way to demonstrate your value.

6. Network, Network, Network
Ultimately, the bulk of most agents’ business comes from referrals. To build a sphere of influence, attend local Chamber of Commerce events, business networking meetings and open houses at other nearby businesses. Make sure to check out our guide to increasing your sphere of influence.

Remember that your brand is you, and you are your brand. Be consistent in your messaging to solidify your brand image and strengthen your client relationships. Get creative and be true to yourself!

If you are ready for a broker who helps you build your brand, click here to connect with a Fathom team member today!

Fathom Realty currently operates in 35 states with approximately 7,500 agents. Agents enjoy a higher net income through Fathom’s 100% commission, transaction fee compensation model, allowing them to invest more money into growing their business. Fathom agents earn stock grants based on their contribution to revenue and company growth. To learn more about Fathom, visit www.fathomlife.com.