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Inside Real Estate recently announced that it has received a strategic growth investment from Genstar Capital (“Genstar”), a leading private equity firm focused on investments in targeted segments of the software, industrials, financial services and healthcare industries.

Genstar joins Inside Real Estate’s existing financial partner Lovell Minnick Partners (“Lovell Minnick”), bringing together substantial combined capital in support of Inside Real Estate’s continued growth and innovation. Through its flagship platform, kvCORE and add-on solutions, such as its recently announced CORE Home, Inside Real Estate ensures brokerages can deliver a modern, tech-enabled experience across the entire homeownership lifecycle, according to the company.

“We are very excited to announce the addition of Genstar Capital as a financial partner, alongside our long-time partner, Lovell Minnick Partners,” said Joe Skousen, CEO of Inside Real Estate, in a statement. “It’s more important than ever for brokerages to have best-in-class technology solutions that are seamlessly integrated, drive profitable growth and help them create customers for life. We take our responsibility as a tech partner very seriously and know our financial partners back this strategy 100%. We’re here to build the best technology in real estate and bring together the resources needed to help our customers thrive.”

“These world-class financial partners further enable our vision of being the most innovative, aligned technology partner for brokers, teams and agents,” said Nick Macey, president of Inside Real Estate, in a statement. “We know our success is driven by the success of our customers, and both Genstar and Lovell Minnick are aligned with our goal of bringing market-leading products and innovation to help our customers compete and win as the real estate landscape continues to evolve.”

“Inside Real Estate powers some of the fastest growing brokerages and brands in real estate. Their commitment to driving measurable results for their customers is evident in their continued growth and success,” said Rob Clark, director at Genstar Capital, in a statement. “The team, led by Joe Skousen and Nick Macey, has truly demonstrated the value of a trusted technology partner in the residential real estate market, and we are thrilled to support the company’s future growth plans, both organic and through acquisition.”

“Throughout Lovell Minnick’s partnership with Inside Real Estate, we have continued to be impressed with the company’s commitment to providing innovative solutions that allow clients to remain one step ahead of the ever-changing real estate market,” said John Cochran, Partner at Lovell Minnick, in a statement. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with Inside Real Estate and working with Genstar to provide the resources necessary to deliver the best experience for Inside Real Estate’s clients.”

Jefferies LLC served as exclusive financial advisor to Inside Real Estate. Kirkland & Ellis LLP served as legal counsel for Genstar Capital, while Morgan Lewis & Bockius served as legal counsel to Inside Real Estate.

For more information, please visit www.insiderealestate.com.