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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices (BHHS) launched Automated Advertising powered by Adwerx to the franchise system’s nationwide network of over 50,000 real estate agents in May 2019. Since the initial launch, the company and its network members experienced tremendous financial return, with both new network agents and top producers winning more listings as a direct result, according to the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices leadership team.

The program gives every network member access to a suite of digital advertising services as part of a system-wide initiative to build the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand, the company stated.

Now BHHS announces that it is working with Adwerx to power motion ads for every campaign it runs through the automated advertising program. This new feature allows for display advertising to be animated using HTML5 technology, an ad type proven to drive higher engagement and improved click-through rates. The company is one of Adwerx’s first customers to receive access to this technology across every ad type, and the attention-grabbing display ads will equip network members with more memorable campaigns, influencing recall and recognition of their personal brands.

“We’ve been continuously impressed with Adwerx’s innovation over the last few years, their team is constantly bringing new ideas to the table,” said Christy Budnick, CEO, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. “The ability to upgrade our automated listing and branding campaigns to a motion design creates another opportunity for our network members to enhance the marketing of the properties they are representing.”

In today’s increasingly crowded digital environment, advertisers need to find new ways to stand apart from their competition and capture the attention of consumers. Adwerx Motion™ combines the effectiveness of precision targeting with the power of motion to create content that is seen by more prospects, increasing the visibility of each ad campaign.

“Ads must stand out to get noticed,” said Jed Carlson, CEO of Adwerx.  “But ads also need to be ‘on-brand’ if they are to deliver the right kind of impact. Our new Motion Ads do both, automatically.  Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is one of the most iconic brands in the Real Estate sector, and these new Motion Ads deliver superior performance while enhancing the value of an already notable brand. It’s a perfect fit.”

Adwerx Motion™ is now available to any current or future firm who automates advertising with Adwerx. Learn more at enterprise.adwerx.com/motionads.

Learn more about Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at https://www.bhhs.com/.