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Innovative real estate tech franchise from MooveGuru has sold franchises in 20 States in first 180 days of offering

Through its automated data capture and delivery platforms, the first proptech franchise emerges from a likely source—MooveGuru. For five years, MooveGuru has been perfecting the consumer experience during their moving process. Now, the robust platform supports consumers with services throughout the homeownership lifecycle.

The proptech firm is the first to offer franchises that allow real estate service providers in brokerage, title and mortgage to purchase franchises. The MooveGuru franchise enables these companies to deliver a homeownership portal called YourHomeHub that allows homeowners to gain access to preferred local services at a discount. The success comes from being local.

Learn about the opportunity to drive ancillary revenue with YourHomeHub here.

Within the portal, dubbed, “Everything Home,” because the consumer can monitor extensive information about their home, homeowners can review local market conditions, store important documents, generate accurate estimates for home repairs and find a local contractor for over 1,000 different home service categories.

Each YourHomeHub is sponsored by local real estate agents, mortgage loan officers and title companies, driving top-of-mind marketing and revenue from multiple consumer purchases, according to MooveGuru.

“We have seen YourHomeHub can increase the capture rate of homeowners insurance, mortgage and title by as much as 23% in some brokerages, says Scott Oakley, CEO of MooveGuru, owners of YourHomeHub. “So, if a brokerage is looking for new revenue streams, we would love to have that discussion.”

Learn about the opportunity to drive ancillary revenue with YourHomeHub here.

Oakley says the platform is designed to increase agents’ transaction volume all while promoting the ancillary services within each brokerage, creating more revenue for that brokerage.

Real estate professionals also receive exclusive marketing opportunities to their spheres of influence, which prevents competitors from engaging with their most coveted contacts from the dashboard. Startup costs, including the initial franchise fee for a unit franchise, are under $50,000.

“We have expanded our franchise coverage area to 20 states in 180 days,” said Kathleen Kuhn, President of MooveGuru, adding that statewide rights have been issued in AL, CO, DE, FL, GA, KY, LA, MI, MS, MT, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN. DC, VA, WVA, MD, TX and NM scheduled to close on the 20th of January.

Franchise owners trend towards real estate brokerages who have experience with operating affiliate companies, followed by mortgage and title companies. Mortgage brokers typically partner with their top real estate agents for cobranding and split the opportunity 50-50 for RESPA compliance. Title companies are offering the service on all their title closings. The franchise pays 10-20% net subscription to franchise owners. The more subscriptions to YourHomeHub and the more leads generated for service pros, the more the franchise owner makes.

“The growth plan for our business has always been focused on how we can provide a better experience for our clients and our agents, while at the same time continuing to diversify our brokerage revenue streams,” said Michael Patterson, broker/owner of Maryland based RE/MAX IKON. “When I was introduced to YourHomeHub, Scott Oakley and the leadership team, I was immediately impressed with the level of talent that has been amassed and knew it was the next business we needed to add in our service offerings.”

Your Home Hub franchise is the perfect opportunity for someone who loves to network, desires flexible work hours and is looking for a recurring revenue model. It offers four different channels to generate income:

  • Marketing Subscriptions to Real Estate Professionals
  • Lead Generation for Service Professionals
  • Utility Concierge Revenues
  • Sponsorships from Lenders and Home Inspectors

To learn more about a Your Home Hub Franchise and available territories, email franchise@yourhomehub.com or visit yourhomehub.com.