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Home has always been important, but since the onset of the pandemic, many people’s emotional attachment to their home has increased. For a lot of people, home the past few years has become a workplace, a school, a restaurant and a gathering place—the hub of their entire lives. Today, RE/MAX launched a new national advertising campaign, “The Right Agent Can Lead the Way,” inspired by the emotions surrounding home and the role a RE/MAX agent plays in navigating them.

The heartfelt ad spots depict real challenges many people have faced over the past couple years with so much time spent at home. “The Right Agent Can Lead the Way” comprises three broadcast spots: one about a family’s journey to a more suitable home, another highlighting the nonstop hustle of RE/MAX agents and a third conveying what it feels like to find “the one.” The stories are told from different perspectives, including buyers, sellers and real estate agents.

“’The Right Agent Can Lead the Way,’ showcases the significance of home and celebrates the RE/MAX agents who help people achieve their real estate goals every day,” said Abby Lee, RE/MAX SVP, marketing and communications, in a statement. “We hope our relatable content, on both the home buyer and seller side, as well as the RE/MAX agent side, reminds people of the true meaning of home and the difference a great real estate agent can make in the most important financial transaction of their lives.”

The 2022 campaign marks the seventh consecutive year of collaboration between RE/MAX and award-winning agency Camp + King. To help inform the campaign, RE/MAX and Camp + King conducted a comprehensive consumer study to uncover what matters most to buyers and sellers, and how that has shifted as a result of the pandemic.

“The events of the past few years had a huge impact on our campaign, and we wanted to reach audiences in a very meaningful way,” said Stuart Ketelsen, RE/MAX VP of media strategies, in a statement. “We’ve seen an increase in people looking for multigenerational homes, which inspired us to explore that scenario in one of our broadcast spots. We want to showcase how prepared RE/MAX agents are to navigate the unique conditions faced by many people and families.”

The TV spots were directed by Cole Webley, an award-winning director known for his emotionally driven, human-centered storytelling. Webley’s work has been recognized with a Cannes Lion award and in this campaign, he collaborated with award-winning cinematographer Paul Meyers for the three broadcast spots. The campaign also features eight digital/social spots directed by Austin Walsh. The digital assets were created with a unique and ownable visual style, and they are designed to grab attention while communicating the value of working with a RE/MAX agent. Some of the digital spots even tap into the growing autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) phenomenon by incorporating relaxing sounds related to home searching. Three radio spots were also released as part of the launch.

“This campaign has some of the best pieces of content Camp + King has ever created,” said Emily Dillow, director of brand management and junior partner at Camp + King, in a joint statement with RE/MAX. “The spots are set in real life, not in a stylized, art-directed world. We wanted to capture people’s real relationship with home, from the comfort of a well-loved home to the feeling of walking up to a place they can imagine their future in. There’s something magical in how these scenes play out. Our goal was to portray the real-life hustle mentality of RE/MAX agents who are used to going above and beyond for their clients long after the transaction has closed.”

As with previous campaigns, RE/MAX agents can personalize the 2022 commercials on the RE/MAX Hustle website with their name, photo, contact information and a short message. Because of the customizable nature of remaxhustle.com, there is virtually no limit to the number of variations or messages an affiliate can create to push out to their local networks.

All the 2022 RE/MAX national advertising campaign’s video content can be found on the RE/MAX YouTube channel.