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Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. was recognized as one of the top 500 franchises across the United States and Canada for the 18th straight year by Entrepreneur magazine, as the outlet recently announced its 43rd annual “Franchise 500®” ranking. The company showed significant advancement in its overall ranking, moving up 55 spots to No. 282 on this year’s list.

Entrepreneur assesses several factors for its evaluation of franchises, including costs and fees, size and growth, support, brand strength and financial strength and stability. Each franchise is given a cumulative score based on an analysis of more than 150 data points, and the 500 franchises with the highest cumulative scores earn a spot on the list.

Weichert Real Estate Affiliates Inc. has grown its national network to over 370 offices spanning 41 states and continues to be a staple on the “Franchise 500®,” one of the world’s most comprehensive franchise rankings.

Over its 43 years in existence, the “Franchise 500®” has become a primary research tool for potential franchisees. Weichert’s consistent ranking on the prestigious list is a testament to its strength as a franchise opportunity, the company states.

“We are honored to be selected as one of the top franchise opportunities by Entrepreneur magazine for an 18th straight year,” said Bill Scavone, president and chief operating officer of Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. “Our organization’s commitment to providing the best support, technology, tools and training in the industry, along with the hard work and dedication from our amazing network of franchisees, is truly what made this award attainable.”

The honor comes on the heels of Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. being named to the “Top 200 Franchises” list by Franchise Business Review, which is the only ranking based solely on actual franchisee satisfaction and performance.

For more information, visit https://www.weichert.com/.