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Fathom Realty has announced the launch of intelliAgent 2.0, the company’s next-generation proprietary, all-in-one technology platform designed to simplify all aspects of brokerage operations and agent transaction management.

Accessible anytime, anywhere and on any device, intelliAgent 2.0. features an enhanced CRM system that intuitively allows agents to better serve existing and prospective clients, as well as a host of new marketing resources for building and customizing personalized websites, sending video messages and launching multiplatform marketing campaigns.

“With the rollout of intelliAgent 2.0, we are excited to bring our agents powerful new tools to compete effectively in today’s market. Our wholly owned and fully integrated technology platform offers levels of customization unmatched by our peers, with advanced tools that were previously too expensive or out of reach for most agents,” said Josh Harley, Fathom Holdings’ founder and CEO, in a press release. “We believe that our platform will attract more agents who are looking for the industry’s best and most advanced technology, while also wanting to reduce their fees in order to invest more capital into their marketing to further grow their sales.

“I am proud of our team and how seamless and smooth this major rollout has been. I am also proud to demonstrate that our technology team can build a significant, all-encompassing technology platform without spending astronomical sums of money. From a corporate perspective, we are very thoughtful on how we allocate capital, as we continue to push forward to achieve consistently higher revenues this year, along with adjusted EBITDA profitability. In addition to the extraordinary benefits it provides agents, we believe this roll-out will help Fathom generate higher revenues, and reduce expenses,” Harley said.

The new intelliAgent 2.0 platform also allows agents to create customized hyperlocal property market reports and neighborhood information through Fathom’s technology platform LiveBy Local™, which can be shared with agents’ clients and downloaded for display packets and open houses, as well as used to capture sales leads through dedicated, digital links.
Available free for all Fathom Realty agents, intelliAgent 2.0 will go live on February 9th.

Other key features include:

  • New and improved dashboard for easy navigation and management of daily business activities, active transactions, commissions earned, marketing campaigns, among other platform functionalities
  • Fully updated CRM system that can easily import new contacts, allow users to schedule tasks, send emails, SMS and video messages
  • Ability to create, manage and track customized marketing campaigns using social media, email, text and video messaging
  • Robust marketing resource center that features hundreds of digital marketing designs, outdoor signage and branded materials for all promotion and property management needs
  • Lead generation and capture tools linked to personalized websites, social media and other platforms
  • Direct access to Fathom Academy, the Company’s new enterprise-wide learning management system

“We are thrilled to be able to deliver this powerful new platform to our Fathom agents,” said Grady Ligon, CIO at intelliAgent. “The entire intelliAgent team has worked tirelessly to make this product the end-to-end solution that agents need to accelerate the growth of their business. The integration of websites, CRM, marketing, transaction and document management is truly special and takes the intelliAgent product to a new level.”

“With the rollout of intelliAgent 2.0, we now have everything we need in place to better serve our own agents, as well as begin to take the next steps necessary to license our platform to large teams and small- to medium-sized brokerages, while still giving a technological advantage to those agents who join Fathom Realty directly,” added Harley. “It is our desire to help other companies thrive, and not just survive. There are nearly 1.6 million REALTORS® and 86,000 brokerages in the United States, and we fully recognize that not all of them can or will join Fathom. With our technology platform, we believe we can significantly accelerate the growth of our total base of agents by white labeling our platform, in addition to our current recruiting and acquisition strategy.”

For more information, visit www.FathomInc.com.