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Fathom Realty has announced the recent appointment of four new members of its leadership team including David Karas in Jacksonville, Florida, Marie Wilson in central Montana, Keilani Rolls in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Richard (Rick) Roat in Nashville, Tennessee.

Fathom issue the following information about the new members.

David Karas
Karas has been a licensed REALTOR® since 2006, beginning his career in the north suburbs of Atlanta, GA, then Augusta, GA, and neighboring SC. His passion for real estate began after his several corporate relocations. The stress of selling, buying, moving, and settling in new areas convinced him that sharing those experiences as a REALTOR® is what he was destined to do.

Karas is also an experienced real estate investor and enjoys advising high-quality, reputable investors. David’s wife once called him a professional student as he worked on his undergraduate and graduate degrees, at night, for 12 years, going to night classes. He earned an MBA from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, GA. His education continued earning ABR, SFS, PSA, and C2EX certifications from the National Association of REALTORS®.

He joined Fathom in December 2020 after working with Berkshire Hathaway and Keller Williams. Last year, he realized that the pandemic had changed real estate and that Fathom is positioned for extraordinary success. His mission is to build a solid, high-performing, professional team of agents in the Jacksonville market.

David is an active adult leader in the Boy Scouts of America has served as a District Chairman and Scoutmaster, along with other roles, since 1993. He and his wife have lived in Jacksonville, FL, since 2013.

Richard (Rick) Roat
Roat’s real estate career began in 1985. His experience includes 14 years at Fannie Mae, specializing in marketing distressed properties. In addition, Roat served as a Principal Real Estate Broker on three separate occasions. Before joining Fathom, he held the position of managing broker for six years at a previous company. Roat is looking forward to serving his district and getting to know the Fathom community.

Keilani Rolls
Rolls has been in the real estate industry for over 20 years. Before joining Fathom, she specialized in commercial real estate, including financing, repositioning properties, property management, foreclosures, and marketing. Her two passions are real estate and food, and she will talk to anyone about both. As an experienced real estate broker, her passion for serving agents is her focus.

Marie Wilson
Wilson’s mission is to represent her clients with the knowledge and information of today’s changing market through technology, media, and skilled negotiations. Montana’s market has changed immensely, and she understands the challenges of negotiating deals in this evolving environment. With inventory shortages, escalation clauses, appraisal waivers, multiple offers, and more, her experience and advice are critically important to her clients.

She has earned numerous awards and designations, including 2021 – 2022 Uptown Optimist President, 2020 Professional Development Chair, Montana Association of REALTORS®, 2019 National Association of REALTORS® Leading Edge Committee and the 2019 REALTOR® of the Year, Great Falls Association of REALTORS®. Marie also holds The Graduate, REALTOR® Institute (GRI) designation.

Wilson has lived in Montana for 20 years.

For more information, visit https://www.fathomrealty.com/.