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Let’s face it, the speed of the leader (you) determines the rate of the pack (your sales team).  The number one task for team leaders is to put their agents in a position to succeed. Everything about your team member’s success is based on the environment, pace and direction you give them every day and every week. Not providing direction translates into subpar and lackluster results, which turns into frustration from your agents who then ultimately, find another job.

High drive, focus and a direction from their leader and chief rainmaker will results in listings, sales and income success for those on your team who are motivated to win.

Here are four proven and effective strategies to get high-performance results from your sales team members:

  1. Provide the schedule for lead gen and appointment setting. The greatest thing about the real estate profession is the flexible work schedule, but it also can be the worst thing about the job, too. You must create a disciplined schedule for your agents, to show up for their success. Schedule their time as a ‘team event’ for success. This is when they show up to make calls, follow up with leads, and set up listing and showing appointments. You will be creating routines and good work habits for your agents.
  2. Adopt my free, GoldMine Pipeline™ System. To create consistent and predictable income, your agents must have a full pipeline of listing and buyer leads. When you incorporate my exclusive GoldMine Pipeline™ System, they will have more leads and monetize the value of the leads. This system creates a backlog of future business. When you give this to your agents, they can literally double or triple their income in one year. Check is out here:  goldminepipeline.com
  3. Track, measure and celebrate big wins. Share successes with your team and ask them to share where the sale came from, how they got the listing and how they converted the listing to a sale. Celebrate big wins and share these best practices so the entire team learns the strategies to win and sell more. Success breeds more success and group learning is the best set up for success you can create.
  4. Repeatable and scalable for high results. Teach your team members to create repeatable habits for generating listings and sales every week and month. When you teach them how to systematize and repeat habits that create success, you will be providing them with the tools to generate more business in an organized manner.

When you combine these four strategies for your team members to follow, you will be setting each of them up for individual success and amazing results will follow!

For a free copy of Sherri’s  Exclusive “GoldMine Pipeline™ Strategy” eBook to help coach your agents to double or triple their production and income, click here. For more information about planning impactful sales meetings, contact Sherri here.

For more information on Strategies to Start or Grow an already successful real estate team, Sherri Johnson offers world-class, exclusive agent and teams.  To speak with Sherri about how your team can double or triple production quickly, or to learn about our custom and co-branded training platform, Sherri Johnson Academy, schedule a free strategy call, click here.

Sherri Johnson is CEO and founder of Sherri Johnson Coaching & Consulting. With 25 years of experience in real estate as an agent, broker, and executive, Sherri now offers her proven methods through coaching, consulting and keynote speaking services nationwide. She is a national speaker for the Homes.com Secrets of Top Selling Agents tour and is the Official Real Estate Coach for McKissock Learning and Real Estate Express. Sherri has also been named a RISMedia Real Estate Newsmaker in 2020 and 2021 as an Industry Influencer and Thought Leader. Schedule a free 30-minute coaching strategy session, or visit www.sherrijohnson.com for more information.