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The National Association of REALTORS® announces its fourth “That’s Who We R” national advertising campaign, showing REALTORS® in action and how they help consumers. The new creative further distinguishes REALTORS® –members of NAR and guided by the association’s Code of Ethics–from non-member agents and “do-it-yourself” tech platforms.

Created in partnership with Havas Chicago, the series of television, audio and digital creative spots use emotional and real-life storytelling to bring to life the tangible and meaningful benefits of working with a Realtor® during the increasingly competitive and complex process of buying and selling property.

“These ads highlight the value REALTORS® bring by showcasing our members’ dedication, expertise and professionalism,” said Victoria Gillespie, NAR chief marketing and communications officer. “As a former agent and Realtor®, I know personally how we go above and beyond to make ownership a reality for our clients. By establishing and cultivating trusted partnerships with millions of prospective property owners, Realtors® are not only champions for consumers, but also for the communities they serve.”

“The National Association of REALTORS® is 1.5 million members strong and we take immense pride in being expert guides and supportive counselors at every touchpoint throughout the real estate transaction,” added NAR President Leslie Rouda Smith, a REALTOR® from Plano, Texas and broker associate at Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate in Dallas. “I am extremely proud of NAR’s ad campaign and how it delivers on our promise to members, boldly distinguishing Realtors® within the crowded real estate industry.”

Simple yet personal and emotional moments throughout the spots act as the connection point for viewers and listeners. The commercials leverage a diverse set of characters and real estate situations–residential and commercial–that work together to be relatable at scale. In each situation, viewers will see how REALTORS®’ unrivaled expertise, ethics and neighborhood knowledge guide consumers through numerous scenarios, establishing trust and inspiring confidence despite surprises.

“We understood that our creative perspective needed to instantly resonate with consumers who may feel unsure about who or what to trust on their individualized path to ownership,” said Myra Nussbaum, president and chief creative officer, Havas Chicago. “The cultural truth is brought to the screen through the mix of authentic, emotional and unexpected moments that can occur throughout the property buying process. The output is a creative narrative that shows how Realtors® partner with their clients during what is often the biggest purchase a person makes in their life.”

The TV campaign will launch both 15- and 30-second versions with creative extensions into various media touchpoints, including streaming and terrestrial audio, social media and branded content partnerships. In addition to paid media led by Havas Media, NAR will once again launch a full suite of new advertising and social media assets, created in conjunction with 2022 campaign imagery and messaging, for its members and Realtor® associations to leverage locally.

The “That’s Who We R” TV spots feature four storylines, including “The Neighborhood,” “The Right Thing,” “The Search” and “The Unexpected.”

Visit ThatsWhoWeR.realtor for more information on NAR’s “That’s Who We R” national advertising campaign. For more information, visit nar.realtor.