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MoveEasy, the No. 1 platform for brokers, agents and homeowners in the moving space, is taking the next step in its evolution to become a 360-degree solution for every home-related service you can imagine. Today, MoveEasy is announcing the launch of its homeowner dashboard, empowering homeowners and real estate partners like never before.

In contrast to competing solutions that are limited in terms of breadth and functionality, MoveEasy’s dashboard provides homeowners with access to a growing marketplace of service providers across categories including home insurance, internet and cable providers, home protection, energy, utilities, and home improvement.

In addition to helping clients move, the new dashboard keeps creating value by managing a homeowner’s service provider subscriptions and constantly searching to find better deals throughout the lifetime of their homeownership. The dashboard also features a built-in savings calculator to compare prices, providing agents with an invaluable tool to stay engaged with current and past clients, as well as prospects, improving brand awareness and loyalty over time.

The new homeowner dashboard further builds on what is perhaps MoveEasy’s most unique feature: a dedicated lifetime concierge, which is an essential part of client retention. Available via text or phone, MoveEasy provides homeowners with their own personal assistant available on demand.

The homeownership dashboard takes this to the next level by contextually providing relevant services based on the homeowner’s actions. For example, if homeowners replace their roof, the system will alert them of insurance price changes and either connect them with their concierge to get quotes or direct them to our brokerage partner’s insurance companies. If they add a new appliance, the system will tell them if their home warranty covers it. The concierge can also direct the homeowner to the broker’s mortgage company for refinancing once they go through the savings calculator.

The platform also features a “Your Next Move” feature that alerts agents and brokers of not only the homeowner’s intention to move and sell or rent their current house, but also get them prequalified for a mortgage with the broker’s mortgage partner, enabling easy, timely and accurate referrals.

The entire MoveEasy platform and concierge team along with the newly launched homeowner dashboard is white labeled and customizable for real estate partners, and is available at no cost for the broker, agents or clients.

“Imagine giving your client the gift of a seamless move, a lifetime concierge and an all-in-one platform that empowers them to save money throughout the lifetime of their homeownership,” shared MoveEasy CEO Ven Ganapathy. “To stand out in today’s hyper-competitive market, agents need to deliver their clients value that goes beyond the usual playbook. Based on input from our real estate partners and homeowners, we’ve developed a platform that’s contextual, relevant and built to help homeowners make informed decisions, while saving them time and money.”

In line with today’s launch, MoveEasy is also announcing partnerships with RE/MAX and Howard Hanna as well as an expanded partnership with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Century 21 and other leading brokerages to use its home management and concierge platform on a white label basis with clients. In total, more than 100,000 agents now have access to the MoveEasy platform through real estate partners, representing more than a million homeowners.

Learn more about the new launch of MoveEasy’s Homeowner Dashboard.

Venkatesh Ganapathy is the CEO and co-founder of MoveEasy, the country’s first full-service homeowner concierge platform designed to help the 139 million homeowners in the U.S. with all their move and home-management needs. For more information, visit www.moveeasy.com.