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With temperatures dropping, school starting, and leaves change from green to magnificent shades of orange, red, and brown, it’s the perfect time to whip out your schedule and plan a vacation. All too often, we associate travel with summer time or the holidays, rather than taking into consideration the other two seasons of the year. Check out these three reasons why fall is the ideal season for travel. 

Milder Temperatures 

Beat the summer heat and the winter freeze by traveling in the fall. Rather than sweating while you walk through a new city, or shivering while you wait in line for an exciting attraction, you’ll enjoy nice, cozy weather that is guaranteed to enhance your experience. The breezy, crisp conditions are ideal for any outdoor activity and are certain to make your trip much more enjoyable. 

Lower Prices 

Summer and winter are peak travel times for the general population. Thus, as a rule of supply and demand, it’s not uncommon for travel prices to skyrocket. Plane tickets, hotel rooms, admittance fares for big attractions, all are important factors into budgeting for a trip. Luckily for you, these prices tend to decline in the fall to compensate for the lack of demand. Book your trip this fall for a more affordable vacation that you won’t soon forget. 

Less Crowded 

Tourism season is at its peak in the warmer months and around the holidays. But, fortunately, this influx of eager visitors tends to lessen as the leaves begin to change. Take advantage of the lack of crowds. Enjoy major attractions without having to wait in line for hours. Take photos without the unfortunate appearance of a stranger’s head. Admire landmarks without the stampede of people rushing you through.
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