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Human happiness is a complex emotion, easily tipped by the stresses, surprises, people  and experiences we encounter every hour of every day. But it is possible, mental health professionals say, to center ourselves in such a way that we are less affected by outside forces and happier in our own skin.

  • Prioritize relationships – Career goals are important, but the support system gained by maintaining good personal relationships is key to overall happiness. Make more time for friends, family, and socialization. Volunteering and helping others has also been shown to increase well-being. 
  • Practice mindfulness – Research has shown that mindfulness – being present and fully engaged in the moment – can increase feelings of happiness and well-being. Whatever you are doing, make yourself as comfortable as possible. Inhale and exhale deeply. Listen. 
  • Focus on gratitude – Nurturing a sense of gratitude has been shown to increase personal happiness. No matter the ups and downs of the day, take a few minutes to literally count your blessings. Doing this at bedtime – ticking off all that is good in your life – has been linked with improved sleep quality, which in itself can increase well-being.
  • Practice self-care – This can refer to anything that elevates your mood, from a daily walk to a relaxing bath, from doing something you enjoy, such as reading or listening to music, to treating yourself to a pedicure or a spa day.
  • Reduce negative influences – Avoiding negativity and toxic relationships can reduce stress and foster self-confidence. Choose to surround yourself with positive and supportive people who will cheer your efforts and successes.
  • Cultivate new interests – Having hobbies and interests outside of work can bring purpose and fulfillment to life. If you’ve ever had a yen for playing a sport, or a musical instrument, or for taking up gardening or painting or writing, make this the time to follow through.
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