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Adding a gentle workout to your daily routine can bring a lot of benefits, and exercising at home can make it easy to add a small session into your day. This year, consider adding at-home yoga to your regime. A small space, a yoga mat and an interest in a healthier you is all you need to get started; if you’re still not convinced, these five benefits are sure to persuade you.

Convenience of At-Home Workouts

Home workouts are the most convenient way to get in your daily activity. No waiting, driving to a class or waiting for machines at your local gym means you can get in your workout more efficiently and you are far less likely to have a reason to skip it.

No Need for a Full Home Gym Space

While there are a lot of options for working out at home, yoga is possibly one of the cheapest to start doing in your house. The only equipment you need is an inexpensive matt and your space requirements are minimal. Even the smallest of rooms can generally support a yoga session.

Focus and Mental Clarity

Yoga can enhance your mindfulness allowing you increased focus and mental clarity throughout your day. A quick at-home yoga session during the middle of a stressful day can help you detach from your stress and recenter yourself to tackle the day’s problems. 

Easy to Fit in Your Schedule

Unlike more strenuous activity forms, gentle yoga can fit in your day without a lot of effort. As long as you have flexible clothing, you’re likely ready to go. There is no need to change into special gear and since you’re unlikely to get sweaty from overexertion, at-home yoga can fit seamlessly into a small break in your day without the need to shower immediately after.

Increased Flexibility

Wherever you practice yoga, you’ll benefit from the increased flexibility that regular stretching can bring. At-home yoga can be the perfect way to spend a screen-free evening while boosting your mobility and balance.
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