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ERA Doty Real Estate, based in Arkansas, has joined forces with Gilbert Realty Group. With this acquisition, ERA Doty Real Estate services 80% of Arkansas’ counties. This will strengthen the firm’s position in the northern parts of the state, ERA Doty Said. 

The Gilbert Realty Group has served the Ozarks and Twin Lakes area since 1969; the region is known for its second home and retirement home markets. The company’s 20+ agents will now serve clients as part of ERA Doty Real Estate; Gilbert Realty Group’s owner Joan Gilbert has assumed the role of executive broker. These Gilbert-turned-ERA agents will have access to ERA brand resources such as the TextERA lead generation tool and the MoxiWorks platform.

According to Steve Doty, broker/owner of ERA Doty Real Estate, the combined company now comprises six offices and 160 agents who were responsible for $322 million in sales volume in 2022. The company’s focus on growth, culture and community was recently recognized when the firm was named the Gene Francis Memorial Award winner.

“Bringing Joan and her team into our company is the culmination of a childhood dream for me,” said Doty. “I grew up fishing on Bull Shoals Lake and Lake Norfolk and dreamed of owning one of the beautiful lakefront homes. As an adult, I was lucky enough to buy one and have come to treasure the time I spend in this beautiful place. To be in a position to help people from Arkansas and the Midwest fulfill their dreams of retiring here or owning a second home in the region is so fulfilling. We’re also in a great position to further expand the company’s reach into Branson and Springfield, Missouri.” 

This is Doty’s fourth acquisition since starting the brokerage in the early 2000s, when it consisted of one office and 11 agents. His first acquisition was a company in Flippin, Arkansas, which is close to where he grew up. His second acquisition in 2016, was his biggest competitor in Jonesboro Fred Dacus Associates and his most recent deal in 2020, involved partnering with another ERA Real Estate broker in Texas to co-acquire ERA TEAM Real Estate in Conway, Arkansas.

“As I looked for a way to fuel future growth for our firm, I was struck by Steve’s unique collaborative culture which was very high touch,” explained Joan Gilbert. “This was complemented by a comprehensive technology platform that could best be called high-tech. This combination along with a commitment to inclusiveness and service to the community really resonated with me and will bring incredible value to the team that we didn’t have access to as an independent firm. I am confident that we are in great hands under Steve’s proven leadership, and that he will ensure the continued success for our team here in God’s Country. We are thrilled to be part of the ERA Doty Real Estate family.”

For more information, visit https://www.era.com/.