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Editor’s Note: RISMedia recently released a special advanced look at the Top 100 firms ranked in RISMedia’s 35th Annual Power Broker Report, exclusively for RISMedia Premier Members. The Top 500 Power Broker firms was also released in advance to Premier Members, and the Top 1,000 firms was released April 5

Looking back on the rollercoaster year that 2022 was in real estate, Corcoran Group President and CEO Pam Liebman says the throughline of her company’s steady success through such a tumultuous time is attributable to their ‘incomparable agents.’ 

She is positive about home sales this year, albeit at a slower pace, despite continuing headwinds facing the market, and is excited about the company’s global expansion, she says. In this exclusive interview with RISMedia for its 35th Annual Power Broker Report, Liebman shares why “the sky is the limit” for the Corcoran Group looking ahead, and the biggest achievements for the company that kept them successful through the dichotomous 2022. 

Corcoran Icon Properties
No. 89 Sales Volume
No. 276 Transactions

Pam Liebman
President & CEO
The Corcoran Group 

What was the biggest contributor–positive and/or negative–to your results in 2022? Looking back on the past year, to have such an incredible number of closed deals during such a unique market can only be attributed to our fantastic agents and world-class staff. Ultimately, we were really prepared for the type of year that 2022 turned out to be. We knew that 2021 was the type of year that wouldn’t be repeated, so we didn’t go crazy with overspending or over-hiring like a lot of firms did.

What’s the biggest threat to business in the coming months? 
I’m feeling good about the year ahead. Mortgage demand has been rising, which is a sign that the market is getting stronger. Real estate will always be a cyclical business, and I’m sure we’ll see plenty of transactions this year. It will just be at a slower pace.

What are the biggest opportunities for growth ahead? 
I’m excited to expand Corcoran across the globe in 2023, to continue to bring on great talent and to retain the incomparable agents we already have. I also look forward to Corcoran Sunshine continuing their outstanding position in luxury new development marketing. The sky is the limit for us. 

If you had to pick your biggest achievement from 2022, what would it be? 
Corcoran was just named the No. 1 firm in Manhattan for the third year in a row for closing more sales volume than any other residential brokerage. We also had the highest average sales price of the top three firms. It’s a tremendous accomplishment, and one I’m incredibly proud of.