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RE/MAX, LLC announced the launch of its new Global Referrals Platform at the annual R4® Convention in Las Vegas, on February 28, 2023. This new platform will be powered by longtime technology partner, GryphTech, of Mississauga, Ontario. 

“The RE/MAX Global Referrals Platform connects the entire worldwide RE/MAX network of over 140,000 agents,” explained Carlos Matias, CEO of GryphTech. “The solution provides a secure and easy-to-use platform allowing agents to work together and communicate in different languages on behalf of their buyers and sellers in different countries, creating a truly global cooperation network.” 

The Global Referrals Platform will allow agents to send, receive and track referral requests from any agent in any country where RE/MAX has a presence. The platform supports multiple languages and currencies with integrated translation tools to facilitate communications between agents that speak different languages.  

Agents can now create their own personal network of agents in their local city or around the world by adding other agents they would potentially like to do business with. They can search by country, language and area of specialization such as residential and commercial. To help expand their referral network, the platform’s algorithm will present them with additional suggested agents based on a sophisticated scoring system using their profile preferences. 

“The process of making referrals around the world is now so much easier,” said Shawna Gilbert, RE/MAX senior vice president, Global and Commercial. “The vast RE/MAX network can now access this premier technology, and it’s a major leap forward in further strengthening the connection between RE/MAX agents worldwide.” 

For more information, visit https://www.remax.com/.