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For the second year in a row, RISMedia is diving deep into a topic that is rarely analyzed, and has become an especially urgent conversation in the industry: compensation. Covering everything from desk fees to splits and caps, RISMedia’s study of industry contracts and commissions is about to close—but it isn’t too late to be part of our vital real estate research!

Take the Survey Here

Last year’s groundbreaking report was able to dive deep into a huge number of important discoveries around commissions and contracts. From revealing what specializations are most common (more than half of agents and brokers specialize in condos, while new constructions, investors and relocations all ranked highly) to delving into who pays the most fees (those working in the Northeast pay less, while those in the West pay more), this year’s report promises even more insight into how best to maximize your earnings.

And even more than in years past, understanding commissions and proactively focusing on your bottom line is vital and urgent. Lawsuits threaten to change the fundamental structures of real estate compensation, and a shifting market means more competition for clients in nearly every region. Finding out how much you can—or should—be earning could easily be the difference in a tight market, as the potential for policy change still looms.

Our commitment to reliable, value-driven information means that instead of relying on shaky public data or extrapolated samples of regional surveys, we are relying on you, as part of our national real estate audience, to help us create these insights. By filling out our 10-minute survey, you can be part of cutting-edge research, and help us change the conversation around real estate compensation. 

With the report publishing in June for Premier members and the survey closing soon, there is no time to waste. Participate in RISMedia’s 2023 Contract & Commission Survey and help take charge of your earnings today.