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Due to the overwhelming response in its inaugural year, RISMedia’s second annual Real Estate Rookie of the Year contest is expanding to include honors for five regional winners that will be announced in September, ahead of the national 2023 Rookie of the Year, who will be revealed and awarded during RISMedia’s Power Broker Reception & Dinner this November in Anaheim, California, during the annual NAR NXT Conference & Expo.

The nomination deadline is June 5, 2023. Nominate a Rookie of the Year here.

RISMedia’s Real Estate Rookie of the Year program is designed to honor real estate agents who are new to the business yet achieving extraordinary results. The award recognizes new agents for their accomplishments in 2022. RISMedia’s Real Estate Rookie of the Year award is sponsored by industry education leader, Colibri Real Estate

How it works

Agents who received their license no earlier than Jan. 1, 2021 are eligible to participate in this year’s contest. Nominations can be made by any member of the real estate industry, including agents, brokers, MLS and association executives, coaches and service providers. Nominate as many agents as you would like, and agents may also nominate themselves. 

Nominees for the Real Estate Rookie of the Year award will be considered based on their 2022 sales volume and transaction data, investment in professional education, technology prowess and community involvement. 

“Starting out in the residential real estate business over the past couple of years—during one the industry’s most atypical and challenging times on record—was a challenge not for the faint of heart,” says RISMedia Founder & CEO John Featherston. “Recognizing new-agent success during these unprecedented times is critical in order to put forth shining examples of professionalism, resilience and success in any market. RISMedia’s Real Estate Rookie of the Year annual award program helps elevate our industry’s reputation, for the benefit of those who work within it as well as for the consumers they serve.”

“We are delighted to again partner with RISMedia to recognize new agents who have demonstrated they are thriving in their careers and, as such, making a difference in their communities and in their profession,” says Jennifer Dixson Hoff, Colibri’s GM, Professional Portfolio and Partnerships. “What we learned from the experience last year is that it is still a great time to start a career in real estate. These new agents are the next generation within the real estate profession, and we couldn’t be prouder to highlight their accomplishments and results.”

See how the national winner of the inaugural Rookie of the Year recipient, Alex McFadyen, a REALTOR® with Fayetteville, North Carolina-based Coldwell Banker Advantage, was honored at RISMedia’s Power Broker event last year, here

Don’t delay! Nominate your Rookie of the Year here today!
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