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Whether buying or selling a house, people look for reliable solutions at every stage of the process—and when a covered system or appliance needs to be repaired, a home warranty can help ease some of the financial strain. 

Having helped generations of families achieve the American Dream of homeownership over the past decade, RealtySouth President and CEO Richard Grimes and his team of 750-plus agents are committed to educating clients about the potential benefits of home warranties.

As part of HomeServices of America, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, Grimes points to the firm’s longstanding relationship with American Home Shield (AHS) as a key piece of the puzzle when it comes to safeguarding their clients’ most valuable asset: the place they call home.

“For RealtySouth, it’s important to us that our customers have all the necessary resources to buy or sell their home under one roof,” says Grimes. “A home warranty is an important part of our core service that includes title, mortgage, insurance and home warranties. With AHS, our collective goal is to make owning a home easier by having this resource available if our customers choose to protect their available budget from unexpected, covered repair costs.”

For nearly 70 years, RealtySouth has cultivated a business model that aims to drive clients to success, in the shortest amount of time possible. By partnering with AHS, one of the largest home warranty providers in the industry, Grimes and his team offer customers a name and brand they can trust, as well as the confidence and comfort one might expect out of a brokerage committed to next-level excellence.

“Our business model is simply ‘doing business the right way,’” says Grimes. “Being there for our customers along every step of their home-buying journey and having a home warranty as a part of our service offerings allows us to provide that added comfort that their investment is being protected, backed by our commitment to do business the right way every time.”

Drilling down further, Grimes keeps his team up to date on technology innovations and the importance of understanding the changing needs of homeowners as the market continues to evolve.

“At RealtySouth, we actively share new AHS program enhancements and education with our agents and consumers through active company- and branch-level social media channels,” says Grimes. “We provide engagement opportunities for AHS in leadership and branch meeting presentations and one-on-one engagements with brokers and agents.”

Not all plans or providers are created equal, which is why Grimes urges his agents to be experts in the field so that they can assist their customers in the most effective way possible. 

For more information, please visit https://www.ahs.com/realestate.