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There’s a new face in Zillow’s C-Suite, as the tech giant named Jeremy Hofmann its new chief financial officer (CFO).

The Seattle-based company announced Thursday that it promoted Hofmann to succeed Allen Parker, who served as Zillow’s CFO since 2018 and will be taking an advisory position at the company next year.

Hofmann, who previously served as Zillow’s senior vice president of corporate development and strategy, joined the company roughly six years ago and is experienced in strategy, finance, budgeting and operations rigor, investor relations, mergers and acquisitions, and partnerships.

“Being part of Zillow’s growth over the last six years has been incredibly rewarding,” says Hofmann. “Zillow has always been a leader in delivering transformative tech-enabled solutions for customers and partners in real estate, and I couldn’t be more optimistic about the opportunity in front of us. I’m excited to take on this new challenge, leading our business with a strong focus on driving revenue and prudently managing costs for our shareholders.”

Before joining Zillow, Hofmann spent nearly a decade in financial services, predominantly at Goldman Sachs, where he was vice president of investment banking. In that role, he closed more than $40 billion in transactions.

Zillow officials acknowledged that Hoffmann played a vital role in the company’s “housing super app development,” spearheading the launch and execution of the strategy early last year.

Zillow officials announced plans to build its super app during the first quarter of 2022 after the company bowed out of the iBuying game the following year. Since then, the company has continued to plug away at the endeavor, focusing a significant portion of its energy on building out the platform officials claimed would encompass every part of a real estate transaction.

“Jeremy has been an integral part of Zillow’s growth since he joined the company,” said Zillow Co-Founder and CEO Rich Barton in a statement. “He’s at the center of our strategy to capture a greater share of customer transactions in real estate while making it easier for more and more people to get home.”

Barton also stated that Hofmann was “key in driving progress” on Zillow’s growth strategy.

As SVP of corporate development and strategy at Zillow, Hofmann has raised more than $2.5 billion of equity capital over the past five years to support company growth. He also led the acquisition of ShowingTime in 2021, according to Zillow.

Zillow has wasted little time getting Hofmann into the mix as CFO. The company stated that he has already begun overseeing finance, corporate development, strategy and investor relations teams.

He will report to Barton in the new role.

“I’m looking forward to him having an even bigger hand in shaping the future of Zillow as our CFO,” Barton said.