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BeachesMLS, a subsidiary of Broward, Palm Beaches & St. Lucie Realtors®, has announced its new partnership with Immobel, the company behind Xomio. Xomio delivers Immobel’s two decades of experience building luxury websites and handling global listings data for the world’s biggest real estate brands, in an easy-to-use, intuitive website builder for agents and brokers, for the very first time.

With this partnership, BeachesMLS subscribers will have early access to the website platform that powers the global web presence giving South Florida agents and brokers a significant advantage in the battle to attract high-value international buyers. In addition, BeachesMLS subscribers can now launch their own 19-language, ADA-compliant IDX-integrated real estate website in just a few minutes. 

“Our REALTORS® in South Florida are working with international leads everyday, whether they are living in another country or reside in the area already,” said Dionna Hall, CEO of BeachesMLS. “Our aim is always to offer our Realtors® the tools and services they need to increase their productivity. We also strongly believe in the importance of Fair Housing, and Xomio’s unique multi-language platform helps bridge those gaps,” continued Hall. 

“We are delighted to enter a new phase of our longstanding partnership with BeachesMLS,” commented Immobel CEO Janet Choynowski, who founded the company in 1999. 

“South Florida has always been a uniquely exciting region for us, with some of the best luxury property markets in the country bringing huge interest from foreign buyers, as well as large communities of residents who speak a language other than English at home,” continued Choynowski. “It’s also blessed with high-performing agents and, in BeachesMLS, one of the most forward-thinking names in real estate.”

For more information, visit https://rworld.com/beachesmls