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Last week we shared that because of the overwhelming response in its inaugural year, RISMedia’s second annual Real Estate Rookie of the Year contest, sponsored by industry education leader, Colibri Real Estate, is expanding to include honors for five regional winners in addition to the national 2023 Rookie of the Year. 

Five finalists from each region will be selected and the five regional winners chosen will be announced in September. The national 2023 Rookie of the Year will be revealed and awarded during RISMedia’s Power Broker Reception & Dinner this November in Anaheim, California, during the annual NAR NXT Conference & Expo.

The nomination deadline is June 5, 2023. Nominate a Rookie of the Year here.

What does it take to make it to the finals? RISMedia’s Real Estate Rookie of the Year program is designed to honor real estate agents who are new to the business yet achieving extraordinary results. Nominees for the Real Estate Rookie of the Year award will be considered based on their 2022 sales volume and transaction data, investment in professional education, technology prowess and community involvement.

Alex McFadyen, a REALTOR® with Fayetteville, North Carolina-based Coldwell Banker Advantage, was the national Rookie of the Year winner last year. See how he was honored at RISMedia’s Power Broker event last year, here.

For inspiration, here’s a look at a few of last year’s finalists:

Anam Hargey
Chicago, Illinois

Anam Hargey’s rookie-year achievements were the result of her investment in education and coaching, as well as incorporating the right technology offerings.

Hargey explains that her support network was central to her early success. “My biggest contributing factor was the support and understanding of my family and friends,” she says. “They always cheered for me from the sidelines, always recommended/referred me to anyone talking about real estate and reminded me of my end goals during stressful times.”

Becoming a Top 10 finalist has helped solidify Hargey’s decision to get into real estate, a career she has quickly fallen in love with. “I love connecting with new people and being part of such an exciting time,” she says. “I love making friendships that will last and the excitement people feel on closing day.”

Kelly Sand
CENTURY 21 Morrison Realty
Bismarck, North Dakota

Lead generation strategies and maximizing technology put Kelly Sand on the fast track to success in her rookie year.

“The news of being named a Top 10 finalist is refreshing, uplifting and a huge support in reminding me that the work of pushing myself to be well-rounded and successful in various parts of my life are all worth it,” says Sand. “Being here makes me want to push harder in every part of my life.”

She attributes her success to teamwork and connection. “Everyone listen up: no one can do it all on their own,” she explains. “REALTORSⓇ have to be so many things to so many people—it’s much harder than the public thinks it is. Because of my team, I can be up and running with what I’m good at while supporting them in what they are good at. My success isn’t mine alone.”

According to Sand, being a real estate professional satisfies her desire to be a life-long learner. “I thrive on being curious and answering questions. All the hats we wear in real estate allows me to do this and push myself professionally and personally every day.”

James Webb
Charlotte, North Carolina

James Webb tapped into his advertising industry experience to pave the way for a stellar rookie year. 

“Navigating an evolving market while learning the business was challenging, but reflecting on this past year brings me so much joy,” says Webb. “It’s such an honor to be recognized for helping others achieve their goals.”

According to Webb, the ability to differentiate himself was critical to succeeding early on. 

“I leveraged my advertising background in my marketing materials, and worked hard to connect with clients on a personal level,” he says. “Rapport is important in this business, but the ability to listen, understand and guide a client is paramount. Taking the time to educate buyers and sellers and doing so in a constructive, positive and honest way really helped me differentiate myself in the marketplace.”

Like many of his peers, Webb values the relationships real estate allows him to build. 

“Just like a home, no two people are alike,” he says. “So being able to meet and connect with new people is what I love most. I’m lucky to now count many of my clients as friends.”

Agents who received their license no earlier than Jan. 1, 2022 are eligible to participate in this year’s contest. Nominations can be made by any member of the real estate industry, including agents, brokers, MLS and association executives, coaches and service providers. Nominate as many agents as you would like, and agents may also nominate themselves.

Don’t delay! The nomination window closes on June 1. Nominate your Rookie of the Year here today!