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Above: Jacquelynn Rossiter, left, and Debbie Zolan

Debbie Zolan and Jacquelynn Rossiter met in 2010 while working at the same brokerage, and several years later, they thought their collaboration was too good to keep to themselves—eventually founding New York’s Zolan Rossiter Team at Compass in 2021.

Here, Zolan and Rossiter discuss what makes their partnership successful.   

What is your best advice for women aspiring to leadership positions?

Debbie Zolan: Believe in yourself and your abilities. It’s important to recognize your strengths, skills and achievements, and to communicate them confidently.

Jacquelynn Rossiter: Prioritize developing your skills and expertise, building a robust professional network and cultivating a growth mindset. Leadership goes beyond holding a position of authority or power. It’s about inspiring and influencing others to work toward a common goal.

What would you point to as the most rewarding aspect of your partnership?

DZ: Building our team and vision together. The partnership allows us to expand upon what we’ve done separately as solo agents, but it takes us to the next level. Training our agents so that they’re true extensions of ourselves allows us to work on generating more business and elevating our brand.  

JR: Building a successful partnership based on a shared purpose and vision. We’ve worked hard to establish a deep level of trust and understanding of each other’s strengths, weaknesses and working styles, which has been vital to our success. We have a diverse team with different backgrounds, cultures, skills and perspectives. This diversity has broadened our team’s capabilities and allows us to address a wider range of client needs.  

Jacquelynn, tell us about your involvement with the 5 Under 40 Foundation.

JR: In 2015, at the age of 37, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. This diagnosis also led to a fortunate encounter with the 5 Under 40 Foundation. As a young woman with breast cancer, I faced unique challenges, and the support and sense of community provided by 5 Under 40 played a pivotal role in my healing journey. Debbie is also a fellow cancer thriver, and although our journeys were different, we understand and support each other as a result. Debbie and I are committed to making a difference, no matter how big or small, and to helping others any way we can.

Debbie, how has your background prepared you for this industry?

DZ: In my past career in advertising and marketing, I had the opportunity to work with a lot of different kinds of people. My background in design, branding and marketing has been instrumental since communication and interpersonal skills are essential for success in real estate. Establishing trust and credibility with buyers and sellers is key to building a successful business. I achieve this by listening to their needs, communicating effectively and building long-lasting relationships.   

What are you most looking forward to in the year ahead?

JR: Mentoring and training our agents, while growing our business organically and methodically. Being able to impart my knowledge to my team members and provide a fast track to minimize errors is what I thrive on.  

DZ: While we’ve mostly relied on repeat and referral business, we want to expand our reach in terms of location, price point and types of properties we list. I want to do more of what I love, which is helping everyone find their place in the world. 

For more information, please visit https://www.compass.com/agents/the-zolan-rossiter-team.