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Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. has announced that Weichert, Realtors® – Nexon, a real estate agency in Apollo Beach, Florida, has joined its national franchise system. The company becomes the 39th Weichert® franchised office in Florida.

Weichert, REALTORS® – Nexon is owned and operated by Hanforft “Han” Bautista, a successful real estate broker and investor who has roots in New York and Florida.

“We are thrilled to join the Weichert system and be part of a network that feels like one big family,” said Bautista. “By aligning with Weichert, we gain access to proven technology, tools, resources, and support that will help our team deliver exceptional customer service and innovative solutions. We are confident this move will create growth for our company and help us achieve sustained success.”

Bautista learned about the real estate industry and its intricacies from his father, a real estate investor. After coming to the United States from the Dominican Republic as a young child, he joined the New York City Fire Department/Emergency Medical Services and dedicated over a decade’s worth of service to constituents of the region, including serving in Ground Zero during 9/11. The idea of helping others buy, sell, and invest in real estate is what inspired him to make the transition into the industry.  

“We are thrilled to welcome our new friends at Weichert, Realtors® – Nexon and their clients to the Weichert family,” said Weichert President Bill Scavone. “We look forward to supporting their company’s success and growth in the Central Florida region.”

For more information, visit https://www.weichert.com/